Critical Current Densities in Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Prepared by the Quench-and-Melt Growth Technique
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The critical current characteristic of a Y-Ba-Cu-0 specimen prepared by the quench-and-melt growth (QMG) technique was investigated by the ac-inductive method. It was found that there were two kinds of currents. The bulk critical current density is 1.0 × 10^8 A/m^2 at 77 K and 0.12 T. This value is comparable to a previous estimate from dc-magnetization measurements. The local current density amounts to 3.2 × 10^<10> A/m^2 under the same conditions. Appearance of two kinds of currents seems to be caused by nonsuperconducting second-phase layers formed along the direction of grain growth, which disturb uniform current.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1989-09-20
Ni Baorong
Department Of Electronic Materials Engineering Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Saga Makoto
R & D Laboratories-i Nippon Steel Corporation
Ni Baorong
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Morita Mitsuru
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
Miyamoto Katsuyoshi
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
Miyamoto K
Research & Development Center Stanley Electric Co. Ltd.
Matsushita T
Department Of Research And Development Nichia Chemical Industries Ltd
Matsushita Teruo
Department Of Computer Science And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
SAGA Makoto
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
TANINO Mitsuru
R & D Laboratories-I, Nippon Steel Corporation
Tanino Mitsuru
R & D Laboratories-i Nippon Steel Corporation
Matsuda Shoichi
R & D Laboratories-i Nippon Steel Corporation
Matsushita T
Kyushu Institute Of Technology
NI Baorong
Department of Electronics, Kyushu University
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