Bias-enhanced Nucleation of Oriented Diamond on Singlecrystalline 6H-SiC Substrates
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1997-10-15
林 康明
林康 明
Department of Electronics and Information Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology
NISHINO Shigehiro
Department of Electronics and Information Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology
林 康明
Hayashi Yutaka
Device Synthesis Section Electrotechnical Laboratory
Hayashi Yuzo
Irie Koken Co. Ltd.
Hayashi Y
Irie Koken Co. Ltd. Saitama Jpn
Hayashi Yasuaki
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Nishino Shigehiro
Department Of Electrical Engineering Technical College Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Nishino Shigehiro
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University
Li Xi
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Zhangjiakou Agricultural College
Li Xiaoyu
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Nishino S
Kyoto Inst. Technol. Kyoto Jpn
LILOV Stanislav
Department of Semiconductor Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia
Li Xi
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute And Hos
Lilov Stanislav
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Kyoto Institute Of Technology
- 第51回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2004年)
- JAXAにおけるダストプラズマ微小重力実験の現状と将来計画
- 微小重力実験のための微粒子プラズマ (PK3-plus) における電子密度計測
- 21pZB-7 微粒子プラズマの微小重力下実験(21pZB プラズマ基礎(微粒子プラズマ・非中性プラズマ),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 7. おわりに(プラズマプロセスによるカーボンナノチューブ配向成長の現状と課題)
- 6. カーボンナノチューブ配向成長への直流バイアスの効果(プラズマプロセスによるカーボンナノチューブ配向成長の現状と課題)
- Analyses of Early Stages of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Growth by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- 直流プラズマ化学気相堆積法による配向カーボンナノチューブの低温成長
- 電子放出源のためのSiC被膜付き柱状Siの微細加工及びデバイス応用(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- 3 強結合プラズマとカーボン微粒子(シンポジウムVII : 微粒子プラズマの展望)
- 直流プラズマ化学気相堆積法によるカーボンナノチューブの成長とその電界電子放出特性
- 表面波励起マイクロ波プラズマによる大面積基板への配向カーボンナノチューブの作製
- 重力下および微小重力下におけるプラズマ中微粒子の挙動
- 成膜中の膜厚をレーザーを利用して測る
- 6.ダストプラズマとカーボン微粒子(ダストプラズマの基礎物理とその広がり)
- ミー散乱エリプソメトリによるその場微粒子計測
- 科学解説 微粒子プラズマによるクーロン結晶
- プラズマCVDによる微粒子成長と強結合微粒子プラズマの可視化
- 低誘電率層間絶縁膜のプラズマ化学気相堆積
- Two-Dimensional Melting in a Coulomb Crystal of Dusty Plasmas
- HMDSO添加のフロロカーボンプラズマを用いた低誘電率絶縁膜のCVD
- グロー放電プラズマ中での微粒子成長とクーロン結晶の形成
- プラズマ中のダスト挙動の解析とクーロン結晶の形成
- Si(NCO)_4添加のフロロカーボンプラズマを用いた低誘電率絶縁膜のCVD
- 3.強結合ダストプラズマの結晶化と遷移(ダストプラズマの現状と課題)
- クーロン結晶と強結合プラズマ
- テトライソシアネートシランを用いたSiO_2膜の堆積
- ミ-散乱エリプソメトリ- -プラスマ中微粒子成長過程の新しいインプロセス計測法-
- 4p-W-1 微粒子プラズマに関する最近の話題
- プラズマCVDによるpoly-Si膜の低温形成過程のインプロセス偏光解析モニタリング
- 偏光解析モニタのプロセス装置への組み込みに対する対策 (第26回真空に関する連合講演会プロシ-ディングス--昭和60年11月6日〜8日,東京)
- 偏光解析法を利用した膜厚モニタ (第23回真空に関する連合講演会プロシ-ディングス--昭和57年11月,神戸)
- 偏光解析法による薄膜の自動インライン評価
- ダストプラズマ研究における国際協力
- Gas Phase Syntheses of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Hot filament and Plasma
- テトライソシアネートシランを用いたSiO:F膜のプラズマCVD
- In Situ Hydrogenation of Amorphous Silicon Prepared by Thermal Decomposition of Disilane
- Light-Induced Changes in Plasma-Deposited Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared under Visible-Light Illumination Studied by a Constant Photocurrent Method
- Constant-Photocurrent-Method (CPM) Studies on Light-Induced Changes in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Origin of the Reduction of Light-Induced Changes in Plasma-Deposited Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared under Visible-Light Illumination
- Effect of Visible-Light Illumination on the Growing Surface of an a-Si:H Film in Plasma Decomposition of SiH_4
- Re-Examination of Carrier Trapping Models for Light-Induced Changes in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Minority Carrier Lifetime in Laser Recrystallized Polysilicon
- Raman Scattering Studies on Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Prepared under High Deposition Rate Conditions
- Deep Level Study in Heteroepitaxial 3C-SiC Grown on Si by Hexamethyldisilane : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Determination of Donor Densities and Donor Levels in 3C-SiC Grown from Si_2(CH_3)_6 Using Hall-Effect Measurements
- Shapiro Steps in Small-Area SIS Junction at 70 GHz and 140 GHz
- Multilevel Aluminum Dual-Damascene Interconnects for Process-Step Reduction in 0.18 μm ULSIs
- Multilevel Aluminum Dual-Damascene Interconnects (Al-DDI) for Process-Step Reduction in 0.18um-ULSIs
- Reduction of Hollow Defects in 6H-SiC Single Crystals Grown by Sublimation Boule Growth Technique on (1120) 6H-SiC Substrates
- pnp-Type GaAs Inversion-Base Bipolar Transistor (pnp-type GaAs IBT)
- Integration of a GaAs SISFET and GaAs Inversion-Base Bipolar Transistor : Special Section : Solid State Devices and Materials 2 : III-V Compound Semiconductors Devices and Materials
- Thermal Etching of 6H-SiC Substrate Surface
- Open-Circuit Voltage Decay (OCVD) Measurement Applied to Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
- Observation of Coulomb-Crystal Formation from Carbon Particles Grown in a Methane Plasma
- Highly Aligned Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by RF-Plasma-Assisted DC Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition at High Pressure
- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of 3C-SiC Thin Films Grown on Si Substrates Using Organosilane Sources
- プラズマ科学の開発と応用 プラズマCVDによるカーボンナノチューブの成長
- Large-Area Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Source with Permanent Magnets
- Harmonic Mixing with SRS Tunnel Junctions in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Regions
- Effects of Magnetic Field on the Josephson Noise from an SIS Mixer
- プラズマ化学反応によるカーボンナノチューブの成長
- 微粒子プラズマの性質と基礎実験 (小特集1 低気圧放電プラズマ中における微粒子の挙動とその制御)
- Development and Characterization of a New Compact Microwave Radical Beam Source
- Compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Source Optimization for Ion Bearm Applications
- Diagnostics of Fluorocarbon Radicals in a Large-area Permanent Magnet Electron Cyclotron Resonance Etching Plasma
- 表面波励起マイクロ波プラズマによる大面積基板への配向カーボンナノチューブの作製
- Carrier Injection into SiO_2 from Si Surface Driven to Avalanche Breakdown by a Linear Ramp Pulse, and Trapping, Distribution and Thermal Annealing of Injected Holes in SiO_2
- Injection, Trapping and Release from SiO_2 of Photo-Generated Hole Charge for an Erasable Non-Volatile Optical Memory
- Fabrication of P-N Junction Diodes Using Homoepitaxially Grown 6H-SiC at Low Temperature by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Bias-enhanced Nucleation of Oriented Diamond on Singlecrystalline 6H-SiC Substrates
- Diamond Nucleation on Singlecrystalline 6H-SiC Substrates by Bias-Enhanced Nucleation in Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Localized Lesions on MRI in a Case of Hypertensive Brainstem Encephalopathy
- Structure Changes of Coulomb Crystal in a Carbon Fine-Particle Plasma
- Fundamental Properties of MIS Solar Cells Using Mg-p Si System : I-2: SINGLE CRYSTAL SILICON SOLAR CELLS
- SiO_2 Film Deposition by KrF Excimer Laser Irradiation
- Large-Scale Synthesis of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes by Surface-Wave-Excited Microwave-Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Fiims
- Simple Hexagonal Coulomb Crystal near a Deformed Plasma Sheath Boundary in a Dusty Plasma
- Blue-Emitting Diodes of 6H-SiC Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Deposition and Properties of Polycrystalline Si for Solar Cells : I-1: SILICON SOLAR CELLS (I)
- Optical Properties of β-SiC Crystals Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Carbide on Silicon using HMDS
- Effect of Tantalum in Crystal Growth of Silicon Carbide by Sublimation Close Space Technique : Semiconductors
- Ellipsometric Monitoring of First Stages of Diamond Nucleation in a Bias-Enhanced Surface-Wave-Excited Microwave Plasma
- Plasma Copolymerization of Tetratluoroethylene/Hexamethyldisiloxane and In Situ Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Its Gas Phase
- Plasma Etching of CVD Grown Cubic SiC Single Crystals
- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Characteristics of Chemical Vapor Deposited Cubic-SiC
- Synthesis of Carbon-Nanotube Fine Particles in a Glow-Discharge Plasma and Evaluation of Hydrogen Storage Properties
- Increase of cytochrome c oxidase negative fibers in rimmed vacuole myopathy with inflammatory changes
- プラズマ支援熱フィラメント化学気相成長法で気相合成したナノカーボン微粒子の水素貯蔵特性
- Analysis of Spherical Carbon Particle Growth in Methane Plasma by Mie-Scattering Ellipsometry ( Plasma Processing)
- Mie-Scattering Ellipsometry for Analysis of Particle Behaviors in Processing Plasmas
- PE-CVD of Thermally Stable Low-k IMD Films Using Low-GWPC_5F_8
- Analyses of Diamond Nucleation Processes on Carbonized Substrates
- 講演 ダストプラズマ中のク-ロン結晶による結晶モデル (特集:平成8年度若手セミナ-「Virtual Realityで放電プラズマを科学する」--放電シミュレ-ションのカンどころ(2))
- GaAs Inversion-Base Bipolar Transistor (GaAs IBT) with Graded Emitter Barrier : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- Pair and Quasiparticle Tunnelings in Arrays of SIS Junctions Observed by Radio Frequency Noise
- SVI-1 微粒子プラズマ結晶と微小重力下実験(シンポジウムVI : 微小重力におけるコンプレックスプラズマ)
- Development and Characterization of a New Compact Microwave Radical Beam Source
- Experimental evaluation of torsional fatigue strength of welded bellows and application to design of fusion device.