First Order Paraelectric-Antiferroelectric Phase Transition in a Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal of a Fluorine Containing Phenyl Pyrimidine Derivative
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1990-06-20
Takanishi Yoichi
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol. Tokyo Jpn
HIRAOKA Kazuyuki
Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Takezoe Hideo
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials
Kimura Shingo
Department Of Physics School Of General Education Iwate Medical University
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
平岡 一幸
Kimura S
Ntt Photonics Lab. Kanagawa Jpn
Inui Shiroh
Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
Kawano Shin
Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
Saito Masaki
Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
Iwane Hiroshi
Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
Saito M
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo Kk Kanagawa Jpn
Fukuda Asuo
Department Of Kansei Engineering Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
Kimura S
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Ouchi Yukio
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials
Ouchi Y
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Fukuda Atsuo
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Bioengineering
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- Influence of the Optical Purity on the Smectic Layer Thickness and the Transition Order in Enantiomeric Mixtures of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- First Order Paraelectric-Antiferroelectric Phase Transition in a Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal of a Fluorine Containing Phenyl Pyrimidine Derivative
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- Antiferroelectric Smectic Liquid Crystal Formed by Achiral Twin Dimer with Two Mesogenic Groups Linked by Alkylene Spacer
- Origin of Helix in Achiral Banana-Shaped Molecular Systems
- Ferroelectric Properties in Banana-Shaped Achiral Liquid Crystalline Molecular Systems
- Stability of Antiferroelectricity and Causes for its Appearance in SmC_α^* and SmC_A^* Phases of a Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal, MHPOBC
- Self-Recovery from Alignment Damage under AC Fields in Antiferroelectric and Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- Electric-Field-Induced Transitions among Antiferroelectric, Ferrielectric and Ferroelectric Phases in a Chiral Smectic MHPOBC
- Spontaneous Formation of Quasi-Bookshelf Layer Structure in New Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Derived from a Naphthalene Ring
- Frequency-Dependent Switching Behavior under Triangular Waves in Antiferroelectric and Ferrielectric Chiral Smectic Phases
- Temporal and Spatial Behavior of the Field-Induced Transition between Antiferroelectric and Ferroelectric Phases in Chiral Smectics
- Temporal and Spatial Behavior of the Field-Induced Transition between Antiferroelectric and Ferroelectric Phases in Chiral Smectics
- Observation of Three Subphases in Smectic C^* of MHPOBC by Dielectric Measurements
- Molecular Orientational Structures in Ferroelectric, Ferrielectric and Antiferroelectric Smectic Liquid Crystal Phases as Studied by Conoscope Observation
- Antiferroelectric Chiral Smectic Phases Responsible for the Trislable Switching in MHPOBC
- Molecular Rotation in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Studied by ^C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time Measurement
- A Bent and Asymmetrically Hindered Chiral Alkyl Chain in Smectic-A Phase of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal as Observed by ^2H-NMR
- High Quality Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display with Quasi-Bookshelf Layer Structure
- Molecular Orientational Structures with Macroscopic Helix in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Subphases
- Evolution of Switching Characteristics from Tristable to V-Shaped in an Apparentrly Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- 3B08 Orientation of chiral chain in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal TFMS_xPOBC-d_2 as observed by polarized IR spectroscopy of CD_2 stretching vibrations
- Experimental Observation of the Total Reflection by a Monodomain Cholesteric Liquid Crystal
- Electrooptic Observation of the Goldstone and Soft Modes near the SmA-SmC_A^* Phase Transition
- The Importance of the Electric Interaction for Stabilizing the Antiferroelectric Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Phase
- Correspondence between Stroboscopic Micrographs and Spontaneous Polarization Measurements in Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- Optical Microscope Observation of Hexagonal Ordering in Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- An Unusual Endothermic Transition to an Optically Isotropic Phase Organized by Chiral Molecular Recognition
- Experimental Studies on Reflection Spectra in Monodomain Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Cells : Total Reflection, Subsidiary Oscillation and Its Beat or Swell Structure
- A Tunable 90° Rotator Using a Total Reflection by a Monodomain Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Cell
- Tristable Switching in Sm0^* of 1-Methylheptyl-Terephthalidene-Bis-Aminocinnamate (MHTAC) and Its Miscibility with SmC^*_A of Antiferroelectric Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal
- Chevron Layer Structure in the Smectic A Phase of 8CB
- Evolution of Switching Characteristics from Tristable to V-Shaped in an Apparently Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Chevron Layer Structure and Parabolic Focal Conics in Smectic A Liquid Crystals