Superconductivity in Cr-1212 Cuprates Sr_&ly;2-x>Ba_xYCu_<2.8>Cr_<0.2>O_z
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The Cr-1212 cuprates Sr_&ly;2-x>Ba_xYCu_<2.8>Cr_<0.2>O_7 (x≤0.75) were annealed at high oxygen pressures. Although the Ba-free sample was not superconductive, the others exhibited bulk superconductivity after annealing. The critical oxygen content needed for the appearance of superconductivity for the x=0.5 cuprate is close to 7.22 or 7.28 and depends on annealing temperature. The higher value is due to the higher Cr valence. Even if unusually high Cr valence of 6+ is assumed, the average formal Cu valence required for the appearance of superconductivity is high. The Cr-1212 phase (x≤0.5) is a special material in this respect.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-11-15
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