Single-Electron Tunneling in Coupled Quantum Dots
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-06-15
Sano N
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kwansei-gakuin University
Sano Naokatsu
Department Of Physics School Of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
Katsumoto Shingo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Sano Naokatsu
Department Of Physics School Of Science
Sano Naokatsu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
Katsumoto Shingo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department Of Pediatrics Institute Of Health Bioscience The University Of Tokushima Graduate School
Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University:(Present address)Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Department of Physics, Osaka University
Kobayashi Shun-ichi
Department of Functional Machinery and Mechanics, Shinshu University
- Effects of an Electric Field on the Decay Time of Luminescence from a GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Effect of Electric Field on Transient Characteristics of Luminescence from GaAs/Ga_Al_As Multi-Quantum-Well Structure
- Improvement of Gate-Insulator/Silicon Interface Characteristics in Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistors
- Observation of Laser-Induced Melting of Silicon Film Followed by Amorphization
- Surface Corrugation of GaAs Layers Grown on (775)B-Oriented GaAs Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Extremely Flat Interfaces in In_xGa_As/Al_Ga_As Quantum Wells Grown on (411)A GaAs Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Extremely Flat Interfaces in In_xGa_As/Al_Ga_As Quantum Wells Grown on (411)A GaAs Substrates by MBE
- High-Density GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wires Grown on (775)B-Oriented GaAs Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Highly Uniform GaAs/AIAs Quantum Wires Grown on [001] Ridges of GaAs(100) Patterned Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Extremely Flat Interfaces in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells Grown on GaAs (411)A Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- One-Dimensional Conduction in NiAl Wires
- X-Ray diffraction Study of Generalized Fibonacci Lattices
- Single-Electron Tunneling in Coupled Quantum Dots
- Interference through Parallel Quantum Point Contacts
- X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Dragon Lattice
- Raman Studies on Thue-Morse Lattices
- Variable Range Hopping Conduction in Al_Ga_As:Si
- Dielectric Constant Measuremeny near the Metal-Insulator Transition in Al_Ga_As
- Fine Tuning of Metal-Insulator Transition in Al_Ga_As Using Persistent Photoconductivity
- Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of Third-Order Fibonacci Lattices
- X-Ray Diffraction Patterns of Configurational Fibonacci Lattices
- Temperature Dependence of Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth Rates for In_xGa_As and In_xAl_As
- Effective Mass Reversal on In_xAl_As/GaAs Strained-Layer Superlattices
- X-Ray Studies of Semiconductor Superlattices Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Zone-Folding Effects on Phonons in GaAs-AlAs Superlaltices
- Mono- and Bi-Layer Superlattices of GaAs and AlAs
- NMR Study in PdCo and PdNiCo Alloys
- NMR Study of Chevrel Phase Superconductors
- Dark Current in Selectively Doped N-AlGaAs/GaAs CCDs
- Low-Temperature Structure in La_Sr_CuO_4
- Two-Dimensional Arrays of Small Josephson Junctions with Regular and Random Defects
- Nuclear Spin Relaxation from Small Particles to ^3He Bath
- Metal-Insulator Transition in Disordered Copper without and with Magnetic Impurities
- Superconducting Properties of Disordered Films of Zn
- 1n T Term and Magnetic Field Effect in Conductivity of Ni Thin Film
- Experimental Study of Electron Localization in a Two-Dimensional Metal
- In T Dependence of Resistivity in Two-Dimensionally Coupled Fine Particles of Cu
- A novel role of nuclear receptor LXRalpha in the regulation of human renin gene expression
- Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Organic Superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu (NCS)_2
- Quantum Charge Fluctuations in Quantum Dots : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Dissipative Phase Transition in Single Small Josephson Junction with Normal Tunneling Junction
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Cu in Cu-Pd Alloy
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Cu-Ni Alloys
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Antiferromagnetic α-Mn Metal
- Novel Dual Wavelength Electro-Optical Bistability in InGaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells
- Dual Wavelength Electro-Optical Bistability in an Asymmetric Self-Electro-Optic Effect Device
- NMR of Lu^ in Ferromagnetic Lu-Tb and Lu-Dy Alloys
- The Semi-Cone Angles in Conical Tb-Er and Dy-Er Alloys
- The Hyperfine Interactions of Terbium, Dysprosium and Erbium in Magnetically Ordered Heavy Rare Earth Alloys
- NMR of ^Er in Conically Ordered Erbium Metal
- Magnetoresistance of Ni/NiO/Co Small Tunnel Junctions in Coulomb Blockade Regime
- A New Fabrication Method for Ultra Small Tunnel Junctions
- Charge-Soliton Transport Properties in Two-Dimensional Array of Small Josephson Junctions
- Quantum Size Effect of Cu Small Particles in Magnetic Field
- Study on Superconductor-Insulator Transitions in Two-Dimensional Array of Small Josephson Junctions
- Magnetization in Phosphorus Doped Silicon
- NMR Study on Electronic States in Phosphorus Doped Silicon
- NMR Study on Heavily Doped Silicon. II
- NMR Study on Heavily Doped Silicon. I
- Environmental Effect on Coulomb Blockade in Ultrasmall Single Tunnel Junctions
- Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Ultrasmall Single Tunnel Junctions
- Metal-Insulator Transition in Superconducting Al,Al:Au and Al:Pd Films
- Inelastic Scattering Time and Metal-Insulator Transition in Thick Disordered Bismuth Films
- Electron Localization and Interaction in Thick Metallic Films
- Superconductivity and Anderson Localization in Zinc Films
- Spectroscopy of a Single Superconducting Fine Particle Using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Phase Diagram for Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Single Small Josephson Junctions with Shunt Resistor
- Gate Voltage Dependence of the Resistance of a Two-Dimensional Array of Small Tunnel Junctions ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Edge Effect in Two-Dimensional Network of Small Josephson Junctions
- Measurement of Self Capacitance of Small Island Electrode via Single Electron Transistor
- Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Two-Dimensional Network of Josephson Junctions
- Inelastic Scattering and Spin Scattering Times in Metallic Thin Films
- Spin-Orbit Interaction and Electronic Conduction in Two-Dimensional Disordered Metals
- Use of Tunnel Diode for RF-SQUID Detection System
- Superparamagtetism of Ni Fine Particles
- NMR Properties of Superconducting Fine Particles: Al and Sn
- Breakdown of Charge-Vortex Duality in Small Tunnel Junction Arrays with Finite Width
- A Simple Strong SQUID
- NMR Study of Superconducting Sn Small Particles
- Effect of Self-Capacitance on Charge Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Small Tunnel-Junction Arrays
- Charge Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Two-Dimensional Arrays of Small Tunnel Junctions
- Spin-Orbit Interaction in Small Metallic Particles
- 8. Electronic Transport in Metallic Ge:Sb at Low Temperature(Experiments,I. Three Dimensional Systems)
- Quantum Size Effect in Magnetic field in Cu Small Particles : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Miscellaneous : Phonon, Structure etc.
- Magnetic Susceptibility of AlGaAs:Te with Al Content 0.4
- Low-Temperature Static Magnetic Susceptibility of Al_Ga_As with DX Centers
- Highly Isotropic Magnetoresistances of High Sheet-Resistance Copper-Particle Films
- Application of In-Beam Perturbed Angular Distribution to the Study of High-T_c Oxides
- Experimental Study on Oscillating Wing for Propulsor with Bending Mechanism Modeled on Caudal Muscle-Skeletal Structure of Tuna
- ^Cu Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Cu-Mn and Cu-Au Fine Metallic Particles
- Resistivity Measurement in Two-Dimensional Random Array of Josephson-Coupled Fine Particles of Tin
- NMR of ^Al in PdMn, PdFe and PdNi
- A Possible Charge Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii Transition in Granular Films
- Nuclear Spin Relaxation Anomaly in Small Copper Particles
- Anomalous Curreny-Votage Characteristics in a Network of Small Josephson Junctions
- Electron Level Correlation and Superconductivity in Aluminum Small Particles
- Global Coherence and Grain Size in Superconducting Granular Films
- Anomalous Propagation of Short-Wavelength Third Sound
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Superconducting Tin Fine Particles
- Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Two-Dimensional Network of Josephson Junctions