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実験的に誘発された羊骨関節症において, 連鎖球菌により合成されるヒアルロン酸(HA, MW:3.5×10^6)によって症状軽減が観察された.顎関節(TMJs)の両側骨関節症(OA)は, 関節円板に穴を開け, 軟骨下まで関節顆表面を掻き取ることにより引き起こされた.HAを術後7, 10, 14, 17, 21日に6頭の左関節に関節内投与し, 対照として, 生理食塩水を同じ日に反対側(右)の関節内に投与した.術後1ヶ月(1MPO)で羊3頭を殺処分し, 3MPOで残りの3頭を殺処分した.線維組織の増殖, 剥離, び爛, 骨増殖体形成, 皮質下嚢胞形成, 関節強直などの色々な反応がX線写真や病理組織学的検索により観察された.HAの処置は変性的変化を改善し, 右関節と比較して, 1MPO(9.96対5.81)と3MPO(10.86対5.29)において左関節の骨関節症スコアーを低下させた.これらの結果は, HAの関節内への繰り返し投与は, 羊TMJsの関節軟骨の発達を促すことにより, また線維組織の増殖を減じることにより, OAの進行を抑制することを示している.
Lee Jin-Won
Department of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University
Park Jae-hyuk
Toyohashi Univ. Tech.
KIN Chang-Hwan
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
LEE Beom-Jun
Veterinary Public Health
YOON Junghee
Veterinary Radiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
SEO Kang-Moon
Department of Animal Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University
PARK Jong-Hwan
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
CHOI Eun-Sil
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
HONG Jung-Ju
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
LEE Yong-Soon
Veterinary Public Health
PARK Jae-Hak
Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Park Jae-hak
Dep. Of Lab. Animal Medicine Coll. Of Veterinary Medicine And Krf Zoonotic Disease Priority Res. Ins
Yoon Junghee
Veterinary Radiology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University
Lee B‐j
College Of Veterinary Medicine And Research Institute Of Veterinary Medicine Chungbuk National Unive
Lee B‐j
Seoul National Univ. Seoul Kor
Lee Y‐s
Seoul National Univ. Suwon Kor
朴 載赫
Lee Jin-won
Department Of Integrated Biotechnology Sogang University
Lee Jin-won
Department Of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Park J‐h
Department Of Comparative Pathology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido University
Park Jae-hak
Department Of Comparative Pathology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido University
Seo Kang
Department Of Veterinary Surgery And Ophthalmology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National Uni
Seo Kang-moon
Department Of Animal Surgery College Of Veterinary Medicine Kangwon National University
Lee Yong-soon
Departments Of Veterinary Public Health College Of Veterinary Medicine And School Of Agricultural Bi
Lee Yong-soon
Public Health College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University
Lee Yong-soon
Kweon Chang-hee
Department Of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Park J‐h
Dep. Of Lab. Animal Medicine Coll. Of Veterinary Medicine And Krf Zoonotic Disease Priority Res. Ins
Lee You-sang
School Of Electrical Engineering Seoul National University
Lee B
College Of Veterinary Medicine And Research Institute Of Veterinary Medicine Chungbuk National Unive
Kim Chang-hwan
Department Of Environmental Engineering University Of Seoul
Park Jong-Hwan
Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Konyang University
Lee Jin-Won
Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering, Hanyang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea
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