Lattice Dynamics and the Far Infrared Spectra of Pr_xLn_<1-x>Ba_2Cu_3O_<7-y> (Ln=Lanthanide)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-12-30
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
ONARI Seinosuke
Institute of Applied Physics, The University of Tsukuba
ARAI Toshihiro
Institute of Applied Physics, The University of Tsukuba
Arai Takeshi
The Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Mori Tatsuo
Ibaraki National College Of Technology
Makino H
Criepi (central Res. Inst. Of Electric Power Ind.) Kanagawa Jpn
Makino H
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
ONO Akihiko
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
Makino Hisao
Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
新井 豊子
Ono Akihiko
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Arai Toshihiro
Institute For Optical Research Kyoiku University
Onari S
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Onari Seinosuke
Institute For Optical Research Tokyo University Of Education
Fukunaga Hirota
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Nishikawa Kiyoshi
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Matsuishi Kiyoto
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Arai Toshihiro
Institte For Optical Research Kyoiku University
- 23aYH-2 Cu(110)(2×1)O表面における量子閉じ込め効果(23aYH 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 23aQE-5 High resolution hard X-ray(8keV) photoelectron spectroscopy of genuine bulk electronic structures of V and Yb compounds
- 21aPS-7 NC-AFM探針-試料間に誘起する変位電流によるジュール熱の第一原理計算(領域9ポスターセッション,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- Time Dependence of the Growth Morphology of GaN Single Crystals Prepared in a Na-Ga Melt
- Far Infrared Optical Properties of Amorphous As-Se System
- Raman Scattering in Amorphous As-Se System
- Isotropic Uniaxial Strain Effect on the Incommensurate Organic Superconductor: (MDT-TS)(AuI_2)_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Anisotropic Three-dimensional Superconductivity of the Incommensurate Organic Superconductor (MDT-ST)(I_3)_(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Synthesis and Structures of Highly Conducting Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TTM-TTP Derivatives
- Synthesis and Structures of Neutral Crystals and Charge-Transfer Salts of Selenium Containing TMET-TTP Derivatives
- 20pTG-12 Fe/Cu(110)(2×1)Oの構造と磁性(水素ダイナミクス,微粒子・クラスタ,表面磁性,領域9,表面・界面,結晶成長)
- 13pPSA-7 HiSOR-BL14 における Fe/Cu(001) 及び Co/Cu(001) の磁気円二色性実験(領域 5)
- Anomalous Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Heavy-Fermion PrFe_4P_
- Resonant X-ray Scattering Study at Y K-edge in Y_Ca_xTiO_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Orbitally Ordered State in Y_Ca_xTiO_3 (0 < x ≤ 0.5)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- High Carrier Mobility in Mesophase of a Dithienothiophene Derivative
- Organic Field-effect Transistors Based on Solution-processible Dibenzotetrathiafulvalene Derivatives
- (Tetrathiafulvalene)(tetracyanoquinodimethane) as a Contact Material for n-Channel and Ambipolar Organic Transistors
- Syntheses and Properties of Oligothiophenes with Cyano and Hexyl Groups
- Electronic Structure Characteristics of MBE (molecular beam epitaxy)-Grown Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Ga_Cr_xN Films
- 26aYH-12 Unquenched orbital moments in Co clusters on Cu(5.55×5.55)-Si(111)(7×7)
- 26aYH-12 Unquenched orbital moments in Co clusters on Cu(5.55×5.55)-Si(111)(7×7)
- 23aQE-3 Soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission study of CeIrIn_5
- 21pYD-12 Bulk Fermi surface of optimally and overdoped La_Sr_xCuO_4 probed by soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission(English Session of Division 5)
- Local Magnetic Susceptibility in Rare-Earth Compounds
- Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient of CF_2 Radical in DC Pulsed CF_4/H_2 Discharge Plasma
- Measurements of Diffusion Coefficient of CF_2 Radical in DC Pulsed CF_4/O_2 Discharge Plasma ( Plasma Processing)
- Kondo Lattice Effects of YbAl_3 Suggested by Temperature Dependence of High-Accuracy High-Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Photoemission Spectroscopy of Sm_4As_3 Using Soft and Hard X-rays(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Bulk-Sensitive Photoemission Spectroscopy for Heavy-Fermion Pr Compounds Using Hard X-Ray(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Pressure Effects on CdS Microcrystals Embedded in Germanate Glasses
- Raman Scattering of Amorphous Semiconductors Ge-S System under High Hydrostatic Pressure
- Electronic Structure of Superconducting and Non-superconducting Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ Revealed by Photoemission Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Intrinsic Valence Band Study of Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy-Grown GaAs and GaN by High-Resolution Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Scaling of Negative Magnetoresistance and Extraordinary Hall Effect in CaVO_
- Magnetoabsorption in Single-Crystal HgCr_2Se_4
- 色素増感太陽電池の等価回路解析
- 色素増感太陽電池の等価回路解析(有機エレクトロニクス・一般)
- Lattice Dynamics and the Far Infrared Spectra of Pr_xLn_Ba_2Cu_3O_ (Ln=Lanthanide)
- 27pPSA-2 水素終端Si(100)上に形成したAuナノ粒子のSTS II(領域9ポスターセッション)(領域9)
- 28pPSB-57 水素終端 Si(100) 上に形成した Au ナノ粒子の STS
- Resonant-Inverse Photoemission Study of Pr Compounds in 4d-4f Excitation Region(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Effects of Fluorocarbon Films on CF Radical in CF_4/H_2 Plasma
- Photoluminescence from Ultrathin InAs/GaAs Single Quantum Wells Grown on GaAs(111)A Substrates
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡にみる電圧印加のナノ力学的相互作用
- Photoluminescence of TlInS_2 at Low Temperatures
- Measurements of Diffusion Coefficient of CF_2 Radical in DC Pulsed CF_4 Discharge Plasma
- Sulfur-K X-Ray Spectra and Electronic Structure of a Semiconductor Ag_2S : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Correlation between X-Ray Reflectivity and Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy for Density Measurement of Thin Films
- Measurement of Optical Absorption in InAs/InAlAs Quantum Dots using a Photoluminescence Technique
- Ordering of In and Ga in Epitaxially Grown In_Ga_As Films on (001) InP Substrates
- Volume Expansion and Ag Doping Amounts in the Photodoping Process in Amorphous As_2S_3
- In-Situ Observation of Photodoping Process by Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection Method
- 30aTE-13 SPMを利用したSi-Si接合のコンダクタンス測定(30aTE 領域9,領域7合同 ナノチューブ・ナノワイヤ,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 30aRD-10 電圧印加非接触原子間力顕微鏡法によるSi(111)7×7表面の電子状態解析(30aRD 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 23aXA-7 電圧印加非接触原子間力分光法による探針-試料間電子状態解析(23aXA 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 30pYB-9 非接触原子間力分光法による極近接状態の相互作用力とコンダクタンスの測定(30pYB 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 電圧印加非接触原子間力顕微鏡法を利用した探針-試料間の相互作用力分光法
- 19pYP-4 電圧印加非接触原子間力顕微鏡/分光法による探針-試料間相互作用の解析(領域9シンポジウム : 原子間力顕微鏡法の新展開,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 25pWB-10 非接触原子間力分光法によるSi(111)7×7表面の電子状態の観察(表面・界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面, 結晶成長))
- 電圧印加非接触原子間力分光法による量子力学的共鳴相互作用の測定
- 23aYD-6 探針と印加電圧による非接触原子間力顕微鏡像の変化
- SPMを利用したナノ力学計測とデバイス創製の展望 (日本顕微鏡学会第48回シンポジウム 材料科学と生命科学のクロストーク--顕微解析の最前線) -- (非生物系セッション4 SPMとナノ力学的デバイス)
- 28aYQ-9 超高真空非接触原子間力顕微鏡を用いたトンネル電流と散逸の測定
- 装置・手法としての可能性と限界
- 24pZN-5 非接触原子間力顕微鏡の印加電圧依存性と画像化機構の考察
- 27aW-8 非接触原子間力顕微鏡によるSi(111)表面像の印加電圧効果
- Scanning Auger Electron Microscopy Evaluation and Composition Control of Cantilevers for Ultrahigh Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Low-Temperature Crystallization of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Induced by Nickel Silicide Formation
- Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Fims
- Initial Stage of the Interfacial Reaction between Nickel and Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- NC-AFM像の印加電圧依存性と画像化技術
- Photoacoustic and Luminescence Spectra of CdS Fine Particles
- Light Emitting Properties of Silicon Nanocrystallite Layer Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Inert Background Gas
- Non-Radiative Recombination Processes and Related Phenomena in Ge Doped As_2Se_3 Glasses
- Passivation Properties of Plasma CVD AlN Films for GaAs
- One Phonon Raman Scattering of CdS Microcrystals Embedded in a Germanium Dioxide Glass Matrix
- Experimentally Deduced Adiabatic Potential of Ge Doped As_2se_3 Glasses
- Estimation of the Filling Factor of the High T_c Superconducting Phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O Mixed System
- Estimation of Non-Radiative Transition Rate in Tetracene-Doped Anthracene by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy : Chemistry (incl. physical process)
- Lattice Vibrations in Spinel Type Crystals Cd_xZn_Cr_2Se_4
- Infrared Optical Properties of Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor MnTe_2
- Lattice Vibrations of Magnetic Semiconductor Chalcogenide Spinels, Hg_xZn_Cr_2Se_4
- Far Infrared Absorption and Reflection on Some Semiconducting Spinels, CdCr_2Se_4 and CdCr_2S_4
- Lattice Vibrations on Semiconducting Spinel, HgCr_2Se_4
- Far Infrared and Raman Spectra in (As_2S_3)_(Sb_2S_3)_x Glasses
- Far Infrared Spectra in (As_2Se_3)_(Sb_2Se_3)_x Glasses
- Raman Scattering in Amorphous (As_2Se_3)_(Sb_2Se_3)_x System
- 26pTG-6 Si(001)表面におけるDAT分子の吸着構造と電子状態(26pTG 表面界面電子物性(シミュレーション),領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- Crystal Structure and Lattice Absorption of Partially-Inverse Spinel Compound MgIn_2S_4
- Optical and Electrical Properties of Inverse Spinel Compound MgIn_2S_4 : CHALCOGENIDE SPINELS : OPTICAL, ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES
- Infrared Reflection Spectra of High T_c Superconductor YBa_2Cu_3O_x Sintered at Various Temperatures
- Fast Deposition of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Silicon Films from SiH2Cl2– SiH4– H2 by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Initial Stage of Microcrystalline Silicon Growth by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- The Change of the Charge Fluctuation with Ag Doping in Amorphous As_2S_3
- 23pHA-9 Si(001)表面におけるDAT分子の電子状態(23pHA 表面界面電子物性(シミュレーション),領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 24pCC-3 Si(001)に吸着したDATのSTM像探針バイアス依存性(24pCC 表面界面構造,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 27pXZA-6 非接触AFMによる分子吸着Si(111)7×7表面の電子状態変化の検討(27pXZA 表面界面電子物性・有機分子,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 18pFE-15 nc-AFMによる相互作用力と表面電子状態の相関の検討(18pFE 表面界面電子物性・トポロジカル表面,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- 24aYF-13 ダンピング同時測定によるSi(111)面上のGe薄膜のnc-AFM観察(24aYF 表面界面電子物性,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長分野))