Dependence of Prebreakdown Currents in Vacuum on Anode Oxidation Conditions
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A description is given of how anode surface conditions produced changes in the vacuum prebreakdown current characteristics. Surfaces were processed by Ar-ion etching or oxidation. Electrode materials used were Cu and Al. Changes in the prebreakdown current levels during high-voltage application depended upon a combination of the electrode materials and their surface-processing methods. For oxidized Cu, the levels increased with a continuous high-voltage application time; for oxidized Al, the levels decreased. A surface analysis using X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy showed that oxides on these electrodes were desorbed by electron impact. The difference in the prebreakdown characteristics between Cu and Al is discussed from the viewpoint of the evaporation properties of oxides.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1986-11-20
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Kobayashi Shinichi
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Kobayashi Shinichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Anesthesia Kitakami Saiseikai Hospital
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