Numerical Calculation of "Actual" Radial Profile of Ion Temperature from "Measured" Energy Spectra of Charge-Exchanged Neutrals
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1984-10-20
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Toi Kazuo
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Itoh Satoru
Department Of Applied Physics Hokkaido University
Itoh S
Futaba Corp. Chiba Jpn
Toi K
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Hiraki Naoji
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Itoh Satoshi
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Itoh S
Kyushu Univ. Kasuga Jpn
Hiraki Naoji
Facutty Of Computer Science And Systems Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technoiogy
Toi K
National Inst. Fusion Sci. Toki Jpn
Nakamura Kazuo
Research And Development Division Kikkoman Corporation
Nakamura Kazuo
Research & Development Division Kikkoman Corporation
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- 27aA13P TRIAM-1Mにおけるニューラルネットワークを用いた異常センサ同定(トカマク)
- 27aA12P TRIAM-1Mにおける不純物イオンスペクトルの分光測定(トカマク)
- 27aA11P TRIAM-1Mにおけるプラズマ対向壁の熱負荷測定(トカマク)
- Model of Inductive Plasma Production Assisted by Radio-Frequency Wave in Tokamaks(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- Plasma Current Start-up, Ramp-up, and Achievement of Advanced Tokamak Plasmas without the Use of Ohmic Heating Solenoid in JT-60U
- 28pA08 JT-60UにおけるECRH,LHCD,NBI,垂直磁場を用いたプラズマ電流立ち上げ実験(トカマクII)
- Plasma Experiments Using a New 170 GHz EC System and a Simple Model for Plasma Production on the TRIAM-1M
- Threading Dislocations in Multilayer Structure of InAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
- Current Ramp-up Experiments Using ECRW on TRIAM-1M
- Enhancement of RF Current Drive Efficiency on TRIAM-1M
- 可視分光法によるHeおよびNeシートプラズマ中のイオン温度測定
- Prevention of Reversed Flow in Gas Divertor with High Vacuum Chamber
- 27aWJ-12 TRIAM-1Mにおけるプラズマ対向壁への熱入力測定(核融合プラズマ(基礎・応用))(領域2)
- 表面磁場による完全β=1プラズマ保持配位への自発転移
- ICRF加熱されたシートプラズマにおけるドップラー広がりによるイオン温度測定
- シート・プラズマ中のヘリウムイオン温度
- シートプラズマを用いたプラズマのインピーダンス測定
- 可視分光法によるHeおよびNeシートプラズマ中の中性粒子の温度測定
- LHDダイバータ模擬実験のための高熱流シートプラズマ開発研究
- パルス化シートプラズマのプラズマパラメーターの時間的測定
- 磁化シートプラズマ終端部ターゲットの熱負荷測定
- レーザー誘起蛍光法(LIFS)によるプラズマ中の酸素ラジカル測定
- 磁化シートプラズマを用いたガス・ダイバータの基礎実験
- 分光法によるネオンシートプラズマのイオン温度測定
- Transition of Edge Particle Transport in CHS
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- Physics and Technological lssues for Steady-State Tokamak Operation on TRIAM-1M
- 26aA33P TRIAM-1Mにおける冷却水温変化によるプラズマ対向壁への熱入力測定(トカマク)
- 28pA07 TRIAM-1MにおけるECRWを用いた電流立上げ制御実験の考察(トカマクII)
- 28pA06 定常トカマク実験における物理・工学課題について(トカマクII)
- Wall Recycling on the Superconducting Tokamak TRIAM-1M
- ■年会総括(第18回年会報告)
- Steady-State Operation Scenario and the First Experimental Result on QUEST
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- Numerical Calculation of "Actual" Radial Profile of Ion Temperature from "Measured" Energy Spectra of Charge-Exchanged Neutrals
- Electron and Ion Energy Distribution Functions in Slide-Away Regime of TRIAM-1 Tokamak
- Measurements of the Dispersion Relation of the Low-Frequency Ion Acoustic Instability in the Turbulently Heated TRIAM-1 Tokamak Plasma
- Ion Temperature Measurements of Turbulently Heated Tokamak Plasma by Doppler-Broadening of Visible Lines in TRIAM-1
- Plasma Plugging in Gas Divertor
- シートプラズマを用いたイオンサイクロトロン加熱実験
- シートプラズマの高周波電場による異常加熱
- 新しいガスダイバータによるガス逆流の防止の効果
- シートプラズマ終端部の傾斜ターゲットの影響
- Reconstruction of Vacuum Magnetic Flux in QUEST
- Exchange Interaction of Optically Created Electrons in Coupled Quantum Dots
- 核融合エネルギー開発はどう進めるべきか
- Purification and Some Properties of Sucrose Phosphorylase from Leuconostoc mesenteroides(Biological Chemistry)
- First Ohmic Discharge Assisted with RF Power in QUEST Spherical Tokamak
- Fabrication and Characterization of Comb-Shaped Lateral Field-Emitter Arrays
- Low-Operation-Voltage Comb-Shaped Field Emitter Array
- Analysis of Optimal Feedback Control of Vertical Plasma Position in a Tokamak System
- Trapped Electron Effect on Turbulent Heating by Low Pulsed Electric Field in Tokamak Plasma
- Effective Application of Turbulent Heating to High Density Tokamak Plasma
- Relaxation of Ion Energy Spectrum Just after Turbulent Heating Pulse in TRIAM-1 Tokamak
- Onset of Current-Driven Turbulence on Application of a Low Toroidal Electric Field
- Time Behaviours of Visible Lines in Turbulently Heated TRIAM-1 Plasma
- Temporal Evolutions of Electron Temperature and Density of Turbulently-Heated Tokamak Plasmas in TRIAM-1
- Plasma-Wall Interaction Study towards the Steady State Operation
- Study On Possibility of Plasma Current Profile Determination Using an Analytical Model of Tokamak Equilibrium
- Assay of Methylguanidine As a Hydroxyl Radical Marker in Serum of Patients on Hemodialysis
- 第2回磁場閉じ込め装置の定常運転に関するIAEA主催技術会合
- 3-2 21世紀における核融合の役割 : 3. シンポジウム : 第2回核融合エネルギー連合講演会
- Purification and Some Properties of an Extracellular 3β-Hydroxysteroid Oxidase Produced by Corynebacterium cholesterolicum
- Purification and Some Properties of β-Phosphoglucomutase from Lactococcus lactis subsp.cremoris IFO 3427
- 1P584 Amyloid β-peptides studied by the multicanonical-multioverlap algorithm(27. Molecular dynamics simulation,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Length Dependence of Polyglycine Conformations in Vacuum
- 1P585 Explicit Symplectic Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Rigid-Body Molecules in the Canonical Ensemble(27. Molecular dynamics simulation,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2-Amino-1-pheny-1, 3-propanediol Derivatives. New Ligands for Asymmetric 1, 4-Addition of Organozinc Reagents to Enones
- A Plasma Shape Identification with Magnetic Analysis for the Real-time Control on QUEST
- A Plasma Shape Identification with Magnetic Analysis for the Real-time Control on QUEST
- Initial Plasma Production by Townsend Avalanche Breakdown on QUEST Tokamak
- ECW/EBW Heating and Current Drive Experiment Results and Prospects for CW Operation in QUEST
- The Initial Design of Process Control System Based on EPICS for HL-2A & HL-2M
- 8pSS-9 高電流駆動モードへの遷移確率の評価について((実験・観測),磁場閉じ込め,領域2)
- 9pSS-1 JT-60Uにおけるセンターソレノイドを用いないプラズマ電流立ち上げ実験((実験・観測),磁場閉じ込め,領域2)
- 8pSS-7 TRI AM-1Mにおける実効的粒子閉じ込め時間の静的及び動的特性((実験・観測),磁場閉じ込め,領域2)
- 9pSS-2 TRIAU-1Mにおける170Hz 電子サイクロトロン波によるプラズマ生成((実験・観測),磁場閉じ込め,領域2)
- 8pSS-8 TRIAM-1MにおけるLHCDプラズマのパワーバランス((実験・観測),磁場閉じ込め,領域2)