Dynamical Properties of Solid CO_2 under Shock Compression
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In this study, particle velocities and stresses in solid phase carbon dioxide were measured for pressures up to 500 MPa, using the split Hopkinson pressure bar method and the plate impact method. The particle velocities were measured using the electromagnetic induction method, while the stresses were measured using Polyvinylidene fluoride gauges. The shock Hugoniot is obtained mainly by employing the impedance match method. Also, some macroscopic change of the granular structure under shock loading was observed. The experimental results indicate that a transition from the shock compression curve to the isothermal compression curve occurs at around 110 MPa.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1998-04-15
井門 康司
Tanaka Koichi
Department Of Forensic Medicine And Molecular Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
井門 康司
IDO Yasushi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Ido Yasushi
Department Of Engineering Physics Electronics And Mechanics Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Koichi
Department Of Anatomy School Of Medicine Chiba University
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