Positive- and Negative-Image Processings Based on Photoinduced Anisotropy in Methylred-doped Polyvinyl Alcohol Film
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-06-15
Fujiwara H
Tsukuba Research Laboratory Hitachi Maxell Ltd.
Fujiwara H
Toshiba Corp. Yokohama Jpn
Takeda Toshikazu
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Takeda Takayuki
Department Of Electronic Engineering Aichi Institute Of Technology
Takeda Tatsuoki
Department Of Thermonuclear Fusion Research Naka Fusion Estaklishment Japan Atomic Energy Research I
Fujiwara Hiroyuki
Department Of Materials Science And Processing Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Nakagawa K
Department Of Advanced Material Science Faculty Of Engineering Kagawa University
Nakagawa K
Unit Of Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering And High Technology Research Center Kansai University
Takeda T
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Nakagawa Kazuo
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Muroran Institute Of Technology
Nakagawa Kazuo
Department Of Food And Nutrition Faculty Of Home Economics Kyoto Women's University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
TAKEDA Tomoaki
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology
Fujiwara Hirofumi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University
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