Generalized Ultrasonic Percussion : Imaging of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameters and Its Medical and Industrial Applications
- 論文の詳細を見る
Imaging of parameters of nonlinearity in ultrasonic waves is considered as a generalization of doctor's percussion, where some kinds of perturbations are given and the responses are observed by means of ultrasonic detection. The concept and possibilities of its application are reviewed, and details of two examples of practical measuring systems are shown. One is a new medical diagnostic system and the other is a nondestructive testing system of characterizing the states of metal.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-05-30
佐藤 拓宋
佐藤 拓宋
佐藤 拓宋
Sato Takuso
The Graduate School At Nagatsuta Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Takuso
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Takuso
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Takuso
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sato Takuso
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electronics
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