Productiorn of RF Plasma Using a Magnetic Line-Cusp Field
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A large-volume cylindrical rf plasma source with a magnetic line-cusp field has been developed for large-scale plasma processing. In this type of plasma source, a capacitively-coupled 13.56 MHz rf plasma is produced in the presence of a magnetic line-cusp field. Two versions of the plasma source have been designed and tested. The first version has peripheral rf electrodes placed outside the ionization chamber, and is suitable for preparing a large-volume uniform plasma. This plasma source can attain a useful area of uniform plasma over a 30-cm-diameter region within 10% nonuniformity. The second version features doughnut-shaped parallel plate electrodes which form part of the chamber wall and serve as high-current sources. The electron density in such a version is proportional to the rf power, being equal to 4×10^<10> cm^<-3> at 400 W. The measured electron-energy distribution function showed a Maxwellian distribution function due to the electron-neutral particle collisions arising from drift motion in the magnetic line-cusp field.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-03-15
Institute of Research and Development, Tokai University
Institute of Research and Development, Tokai University
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
Takayama Kazuo
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Yabe Eiji
Institute Of Research And Development Tokai University
Yabe E
Institute Of Research And Development Tokai University
Takayama Kazuo
Institute Of Research And Development Tokai University
Takahashi Keiji
Department Of Physics School Of Science Tokai University
Takahashi Keiji
Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Fukuoka University
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