Transport Properties of Modulation-Doped Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy after Focused Ion Beam Implantation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1994-01-30
Fujisawa Toshio
Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tarucha S
Ntt Basic Res. Lab. Kanagawa Jpn
Tarucha Seigo
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
Itoh M
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Itoh M
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
FUJISAWA Toshimasa
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Itoh M
Research Laboratory Of Engineering Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tarucha Seigo
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Tarucha Seigo
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories:department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Tarucha Seigo
Ntt Electrical Communications Laboratories
SAKU Tadashi
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Fujisawa Takeshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Itoh Masayuki
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
Tarucha S
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Hirayama Y
Ntt Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
Hirayama Yoshiro
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
Fujisawa Toshimasa
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories
Hirayama Y
Ntt Basic Research Laboratories Ntt Corporation
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