Molecular Orientation in Mixed Monolayers of Hemicyanine and Fatty Acid at an Air/Water Interface Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1990-04-20
城田 幸一郎
城田 幸一郎
城田 幸一郎
梶川 浩太郎
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Takezoe Hideo
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials
Shirota Koichiro
Department Of Organic And Polymeric Materials Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Koichiro Shirota
Optical Engineering Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Fukuda Asuo
Department Of Kansei Engineering Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
SHIROTA Koichiro
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Fukuda Atsuo
Tokyo Institute Of Technology Department Of Bioengineering
- 3C12 2光子励起液晶フォトニックレーザーの特性(トピカルセッション-液晶物性計測の最前線-, 2005年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 3C07 液晶フォトニックレーザーの発振安定性(2004年日本液晶学会討論会)
- 3C13 キラルネマチック液晶における1光子および2光子励起レーザー発振(フォトニクス・光デバイス)
- 1A03 SHG干渉法による配向膜側鎖と液晶単分子層の評価
- 1A11 液晶の界面配向とプレチルト角の相関
- 3G602 光第二高調波発生による液晶表面配尚の解析
- 1D110 STMによる液晶分子アンカリング構造の解析
- 2C07 アゾベンゼンの光異性化による螺旋ピッチ変化の機構と時間応答特性(フォトニクス・光デバイス)
- 1PA21 アゾベンゼンの光異性化による螺旋ピッチ制御
- 光によるらせんピッチの制御 (特集 光による液晶の制御)
- 2D15 光による液晶の制御 : らせんピッチの制御
- 3PC02 アゾ基の光異性化による反強誘電性液晶の光スイッチング
- 強誘電性・反強誘電性液晶の光スイッチング
- 2007年第2回液晶フォトニクス・光デバイス研究フォーラム講演会「液晶フォトニクス・光デバイス研究の10年と将来展望」開催報告
- 第51回応用物理学関係連合講演会(2004年)
- プラズモニクスとその応用 (特集:近接場光技術の最近の進歩)
- Tristable Switching in Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals with a Large Spontaneous Polarization : Condensed Matter
- Poling Dynamics and Negligible Relaxation in Aromatic Polyurea Studied by In Situ Observation of Second-Harmonic Generation
- Optical Second Harmonic Generation from Poled Thin Films of Aromatic Polyurea Prepared by Vapor Deposition Polymerization
- Smectic Layer Structure of Thin Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells Aligned by SiO Oblique Evaporation Technique : Condensed Matter
- New Electrooptic Switching in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells : Condensed Matter
- Surface-Induced Helix-Unwinding Process in Thin Homogeneous Ferroelectric Smectic Cells of DOBAMBC
- Helical Pitches and Tilt Angles in Room Temperature Ferroelectric Chiral Smectic C Liquid Crystals, MORA n and MBRA n
- A Practical Method of Preparing Thin Homogeneous Ferroelectric Smectie Cells for Electro-Optical Microsecond Switches : Alignment Control of Liquid Crystal Molecules by Utilizing Spacer Edges
- Reentrant Distorted Sm C^* Observed under Electric Field in Ferroelectric Smectic Liquid Crystals, nOBAMBC
- Magnetic Field Effects on Preparing Thin Homogeneous Ferroelectric Smectic Cells for Electro-Optical Microsecond Switches
- Determination of Helical Pitch in Homeotropic Cell of Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal Using F-Center Laser
- Temperature Sensitive Helical Pitches and Wall Anchoring Effects in Homogeneous Monodomains of Ferroelectric Sm C^* Liquid Crystals, nOBAMBC (n=6-10)
- Anomalous Electric Field Dependence of Helical Pitches in Ferroelectric Sm C : at Temperatures Close to the Phase Transition to Sm A
- Temperature Variation of Helical Pitches in Chiral Smectic C Liquid Crystals as Observed with an Optical Microscope
- 2B401 強誘電性液晶における二次の非線形光学効果
- 27a-ZF-7 表面SHGによるメロシアニン単分子膜の対称性と配向評価
- 4F209 PBLG/ p-NAリオトロピック液晶から得られるp-NA微結晶のSHG
- 3F323 反強誘電性を示す液晶の第2次高調波発生
- 表面科学シリ-ズ-11-光第2次高調波発生による有機薄膜の観測
- 有機非線形光学材料 (非線形光学と材料技術)
- Reentrant Antiferroelectric Phase in 4-(1-Methylheptyloxycarbonyl)phenyl 4'-Octylbiphenyl-4-Carboxylate
- Investigations of Soft-Mode and Electroclinic Response in a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with P_s≈5 mC/m^2
- Electric-Field-Induced Apparent Tilt Angle and Devil's Staircase in SmC_α of an Antiferroelectric Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal
- 金の異常反射を利用した高感度アフィニティーバイオセンシング (第4回 21世紀の境界領域研究を考えるシンポジウム(2))
- 金ナノ微粒子中の局在表面プラズモン共鳴を用いた光ファイババイオセンサー (「最近の光ファイバセンサ技術」特集号)
- Novel Temperature Dependences of Helical Pitch in Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystals
- PD08 Defect Mode in Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystals by Adding Defect Layer
- Orientation of Liquid Crystal Molecules on Side-Chain Polyimide Alignment Layer Studied by Second-Harmonic Generation Interferometry
- Multiphonon Raman Scattering Enhanced by Resonance with Band Gap A_g Luminescence State in Trans-Polyacetylene
- Blurring and Broadening of Reflection Spectra Due to Structural and Alignment Changes of Conjugated Chains Caused by Isomerization and Stretching in Trans-Polyacetylene
- 自己組織化単分子膜の吸着・脱離過程-セルフアセンブリの単分子レベルに至る描像-
- Dispersion Relation of Optical Eigen Modes in Chiral Smectic C by 4×4 Matrix Method
- Numerical Calculation of Ellipticities of Optical Eigen Modes in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
- A Method for Studying Optical Eigen Modes in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals by Using Stress Plate Modulators in Tandem
- Numerical Calculation of Optical Eigenmodes in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals by 4×4 Matrix Method
- Second-Harmonic Generation in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Construction of Dynamic Conoscope Observation System Using CCD Camera and Image Processor
- Correspondence between Smectic Layer Switching and DC Hysteresis of Apparent Tilt Angle in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Mixture
- Correspondence between Smectic Layer Switching and DC Hysteresis of Apparent Tilt Angle in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Mixture
- Novel Phases Exhibiting Tristable Switching
- Smectic Layer Switching by an Electric Field in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- Direct Method with Triangular Waves for Measuring Spontaneous Polarization in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
- Molecular Orientation and Switching Behavior in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals Studied by Polarized Raman Scattering
- 線形および非線形光学を利用した有機超薄膜の構造評価 : 表面回折格子法
- Phase Determination of Second-Order Surface Susceptibility Tensor of Liquid Crystal Monolayer Using Ultra-Thin Film Local Oscillator
- Surface Orientation of Cyanobiphenyl Liquid Crystal Monolayer and Pretilt Angle under Various Rubbing Strengths
- Influence of the Optical Purity on the Smectic Layer Thickness and the Transition Order in Enantiomeric Mixtures of an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of a Self-Assembled Monolayer of Thiophene Thiol
- First Order Paraelectric-Antiferroelectric Phase Transition in a Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal of a Fluorine Containing Phenyl Pyrimidine Derivative
- Exchange Kinetics of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers Probed by Attenuated Total Reflection with Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Optical Switching of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Azo-Dye Using Photochemically Induced SmC^*_A-SmC^* Phase Transition
- Modified Crystal Rotation Method for Measuring High Pretilt Angle in Liquid Crystal Cells
- Surface Orientation of Polyimide Alignment Layer Studied by Optical Second-Harmonic Generation
- Influence of Compression Processes on the Formation of H-Aggregates in Hemicyanine Monolayer on Water Surface
- Temperature Dependence of Molecular Orientation and Hyperpolarizability in Hemicyanine LB Films Studied by Second-Harmonic Generation
- Molecular Orientation in Mixed Monolayers of Hemicyanine and Fatty Acid at an Air/Water Interface Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
- 局在プラズモン共鳴を利用したバイオセンシング
- Determination of Chevron Direction and Sign of the Boat-Shaped Disclination in Surface-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Condensed Matter
- Screw Dislocations Decorated by Disclinations of C-Directors Observed in Thin Ferroelectric Smectic Liquid Crystal Cells
- Determination of Twist Elastic Constant K_ in 5CB by Four Independent Light-Scattering Techniques
- Accurate Determination of K_1/η_, K_2/η_ and K_3/η_ in Nematic Liquid Crystalsby Using Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
- Ultrathin-film Local Oscillator for Determination of Complex Components of Second-Order Nonlinear Susceptibility
- Second-Harmonic Generation in Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Films Prepared by Vapor Deposition under an Electric Field
- 有機超薄膜の複素非線形感受率の測定
- 有機超薄膜の複素非線形感受率の測定
- Mirrorless Microcavity Spontaneously Formed in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
- CI-1-8 表面プラズモンバイオセンシング(CI-1.ナノフォトニクス技術のアクションアイテムズ,依頼シンポジウム,シンポジウムセッション)
- 金の異常反射によるバイオセンシング
- 表面プラズモンによる高感度光計測とバイオセンシング分野への応用
- 液晶の持つ大きな複屈折を利用した光第3高調波の位相整合
- 表面プラズモン増強の非線形光学への応用--表面プラズモン共鳴による電場増強を利用した非線形光学分光 (特集:プラズモニクスの新展開--よみがえる光と金属のシンフォニー)
- 高機能表面プラズモンセンサー
- 生体高分子の大きさ,形態,局所構造,物性,リガンド相互作用の測定装置 表面プラズモン共鳴法によるバイオセンシング (バイオ高性能機器・新技術利用マニュアル) -- (各種解析装置の原理と使用例)
- 有機超薄膜の表面プラズモン共鳴測定
- 有機材料の評価方法としての近接場光学(近接場光学の最前線)
- Second-Harmonic Generation in Noncentrosymmetric p-Nitroaniline Spontaneously Crystallized by Quenching from Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate)
- 表面プラズモンと表面技術
- バイオ分野における表面プラズモンの利用
- Observation of Photochromic Reactions in Spiropyran Monolayers by Surface Potential Measurement
- Noncentrosymmetric Structure of Merocyanine J-Aggregate Assembly Studied by Second-Harmonic Generation
- Symmetry and Second-Order Susceptibility of Hemicyanine Monolayer Studied by Surface Second-Harmonic Generation
- 角度分解偏光表面増強ラマン散乱
- 液晶を用いたランダムレーザー