Radiation-Induced Acid Generation Reactions in Chemically Amplified Resists for Electron Beam and X-Ray Lithography
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-12-30
吉田 陽一
KOZAWA Takahiro
Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
UESAKA Mitsuru
Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
TAGAWA Seiichi
Research Center for Nuclear Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Yoshida Yoichi
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Yamashita Yohachi
Toshiba Materials & Devices Research Laboratories
UESAKA Mitsuru
The University of Tokyo
Uesaka Mitsuru
Nuclear Engineering Res. Laboratory Of University Of Tokyo
Yamashita Y
Central Research Laboratory Hamamatsu Photonics K.k.
Uesaka M
The University Of Tokyo
Kozawa Takahiro
Nuclear Engineering Reseach Laboratory Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
古沢 孝弘
Osaka University
- 22pTJ-15 アト秒電子バンチの集団的エネルギー損失のシミュレーション(22pTJ 領域2,ビーム物理領域合同(レーザープラズマ加速・高エネルギー密度プラズマ物理),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
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- Study on Radiation-Induced Reaction in Microscopic Region for Basic Understanding of Electron Beam Patterning in Lithographic Process (II) : Relation between Resist Space Resolution and Space Distribution of Ionic Species
- Study on Radiation-Induced Reaction in Microscopic Region for Basic Understanding of Electron Beam Patterning in Lithographic Process (I) : Development of Subpicosecond Pulse Radiolysis and Relation between Space Resolution and Radiation-Induced Reactions
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- ジェミネート再結合過程および初期空間分布に関する研究
- Radiation-Induced Acid Generation Reactions in Chemically Amplified Resists for Electron Beam and X-Ray Lithography
- Study of Radiation-Induced Reactions in Chemically Amplified Resists for Electron Beam and X-Ray Lithography
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- Transient Species Induced in X-ray Chemically Amplified Positive Resists:Post-Exposure Delay Effect
- Effects of Impurities on Processes of Acid Generation in Chemically Amplified Resists for Electron Beam and X-Ray Lithography
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- Crystal Growth and Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions of Pb(Yb_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 with a High Curie Temperature near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
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- Growth, Electric and Thermal Properties of Lead Scandium Niobate-Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate Ternary Single Crystals
- Electroplated Reflection Masks for Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Resist Performance in 5 nm Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Reduction Imaging at 4.5 nm with Schwarzschild Optics
- Fabrication of 0.1μm Line-and-Space Patterns using Soft X-Ray Reduction Lithography
- Sub-0.1 μm Resist Patterning in Soft X-Ray (13 nm) Projection Lithography
- Symmetry of High-Piezoelectric Pb Based Complex Perovskites at the Morphotropic Phase Boundary : II. Theoretical Treatment
- Symmetry of High-Piezoelectric Pb-Based Complex Perovskites at the Morphotropic Phase Boundary : I. Neutron Diffraction Study on Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-9%PbTiO_3
- Design of Compact Monochromatic Tunable Hard X-Ray Source Based on X-band Linac
- Emittance and Energy Measurements of Low-Energy Electron Beam Using Optical Transition Radiation Techniques
- Dielectric Dispersion in Ferroelectric Li_Na_xGe_4O_9 (x≈1)
- Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Li_Na_xGe_4O_9(x=0.5)
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- Relaxor Dielectric Materials for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor in High-Temperature Applications
- A New Relaxor Dielectric for High Voltage Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Large Capacitance
- Effects of Specific Surface Area of Starting Pre-Calcined Dielectric Powders on Sintering Behavior and Dielectric Properties of Relaxor / Modeified-BaTiO_3 Composite : F: FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS
- A Lead Perovskite Y5U Dielectric for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor : F: Ferroelectric Materials
- Optical and Structural Studies of Long-Range Order Development in Relaxor Ferroelectrics : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Bunch-Shape Monitor for a Picosecond Single-Bunch Beam of a 35 MeV Electron Linear Accelerator
- Wet-silylation Process for X-ray and EUV Lithographies
- X-Ray Mask Distortion Induced in Back-Etching Preceding Subtractive Fabrication: Resist and Absorber Stress Effect
- Highly Sensitive and Stress-Free Chemically Amplified Negative Working Resist, TDUR-N9, for 0.1 μm Synchrotron Radiation (SR) Lithography
- Reduction of X-Ray Irradiation-Induced Pattern Displacement of SiN Membranes Usirng H^+ Ion Implantation Technique
- Ultrahigh-Vacuum Electron Cyclotron Resonance-Plasma Chemical-Vapor-Deposited SiN_x Films for X-Ray Lithography Mask Membrane : As-Deposited Properties and Radiation Stability
- X-Ray Lithography with a Wet-Silylated and Dry-Developed Resist
- Crystal Growth of Pb(In_Nb_)0_3-Pb(Mg_Nb_)0_3-PbTiO_3 and Pb(Sc_Nb_0_3-Pb(Mg_Nb_)03-PbTi0_3 Piezoelectric Single Crystals Using the Solution Bridgman Method
- Large Piezoelectric Constant of High-Curie-Temperature Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-Pb(Mg_Nb_)-PbTiO_3 Ternary Single Crystal near Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- An Improved Phased Array Ultrasonic Probe Using 0.91Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-0.09PbTiO_3 Single Crystal
- Improvement in Radiation Stability of SiN X-Ray Mask Membranes
- Optically High Transparent SiN Mask Membrane with Low Stress Deposited by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Fabrication of X-Ray Mask Using W-CVD for Forming Absorber Pattern : Lithography Technology
- High-Charge S-Band Photocathode RF-Gun and Linac System for Radiation Research
- Piezoelectric Properties of a High Curie Temperature Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Temperature Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties of a High Curie Temperature Pb(In_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Binary System Single Crystal near a Morphotropic Phase Boundary
- Fine Grained Relaxor Dielectric Ceramics Prepared by Hydrothermally Synthesized Powder
- Fabrication of X-Ray Mask Using W-CVD for Forming Absorber Pattern
- フェムト秒・アト秒の放射線化学 (特集 加速器を利用した化学・生物学・医学の最先端)
- Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of 0.93Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-0.07PbTiO_3 Piezoelectric Single Crystals for Medical Array Transducers
- Temperature Dependence of Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Pb (Zn_Nb_) O_3-PbTiO_3 Piezoelectric Single Crystals(Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Effect of Molecular Mass of B-site Ions on Electromechanical Coupling Factors of Lead-Based Perovskite Piezoelectric Materials
- Effects of B-site Ions on the Electromechanical Coupling Factors of Pb(B'B")O_3-PbTiO_3 Piezoelectric Materials
- Phase Stability, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of the Pb(Sc_Nb_)O_3-Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-PbTiO_3 Ternary Ceramic Materials
- Effect of Pb_(Al_Nb_)O_3 on Structure and Electrical Properties of Lead Titanate Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Solution Deposition Process(Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter)
- Electrical and Physical Properties of Lead Aluminum Niobate-Lead Titanate Ferroelectric Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Solution Deposition Process : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Nondestructive Cross Evaluations of Iron-based Material by Magnetic Sensors and by Laser Speckle Interferometry
- Crystal Growth and Electrical Properties of Lead-Free Piezoelectric Material (Na_Bi_)TiO_3-BaTiO_3
- Experimental Verification of Velocity Bunching via Shot-by-Shot Measurement at S-Band Photoinjector and Linac
- Measurement and Numerical Analysis of Ultrashort Electron Bunch Using Fluctuation in Incoherent Cherenkov Radiation
- Experimental Results of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Using a Femtosecond Terawatt Laser Pulse
- Crystal Growth of Pb[(Zn_Nb_)_0.91Ti_]O_3 Using a Crucible by the Supported Bridgman Method
- Crystal Growth and Mechanical Properties of Pb[(Zn_Nb_)_Ti_]O_3 Single Crystal Produced by Solution Bridgman Method
- Ultrashort Electron Beam Generation and Diagnosis by Linear Accelerator
- 25pGAB-4 不純物半導体からのコヒーレントTHz単色チェレンコフ放射(25pGAB 放射光・X線源・テラヘルツ光,ビーム物理領域)
- Simulation and Fabrication Process for a Medical Phased Array Ultrasonic Probe using a 0.91Pb(Zn_Nb_)O_3-0.09PbTiO_3 Single Crystal
- Improved Growth of Large Lead Zinc Niobate Titanate Piezoelectric Single Crystals for Medical Ultrasonic Transducers
- Medium Voltage Large Capacitance Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Employing Lead Perovskite Ferroelectric Material : F: Ferroelectric Materials
- Low-Firing Y5P Relaxor Dielectric Material for Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor
- Lead Perovskite Relaxor-Based Low-Loss Ceramic Dielectric for High-Voltage Ceramic Capacitors : Ferroelectrics
- Chemically Amplified Bilevel Resist Based on Condensation of Siloxanes : Resist and Processes
- Study on Positive--Negative Inversion of Chlorinated Resist Materials
- Micro-/Nanofabrication of Cross-linked Poly(L-lactic acid) Using Electron Beam Nanoimprint Lithography
- Electron-Beam-Induced Decomposition Mechanisms of High-Sensitivity Chlorinated Resist ZEP520A
- 27pGB-8 コヒーレントチェレンコフ放射を用いた多モードTHz発生の研究(27pGB 超高強度レーザー・レーザープラズマ加速・THz発生,ビーム物理領域)
- Pulse radiolysis study of positive-charge transfer in freon-mixture matrix at 77K.
- 30aSA-5 アト秒電子線パルスの発生と応用展開(30aSA ビーム物理領域,領域1,領域2合同シンポジウム:フェムト秒・アト秒電子ビームの生成・測定・応用,領域1(原子分子・量子エレクトロニクス・放射線))