Freeze-Drying Process to Avoid Resist Pattern Collapse
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-12-15
Oizumi H
Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Oizumi H
Aset Euvl Lab. Kanagawa Jpn
Oizumi Hiroaki
Sortec Corporation
Tanaka T
Department Of Electric And Electronic Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
TANAKA Toshihiko
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
SORTEC Corporation
Ogawa Taro
Central Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Morigami M
Sortec Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
Tanaka Toshihiko
Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
- Theoretical Calculation of Photoabsorption of Various Polymers in an Extreme Ultraviolet Region
- Theoretical Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of Various Polymers at 13 nm
- Effect of Intentionally Formed 'V-Defects' on the Emission Efficiency of GaInN Single Quantum Well
- GaN-Based Laser Diodes Processed by Annealing with Minority-Carrier Injection
- Correlation between Dislocation Density and the Macroscopic Properties of GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Room-Temperature Pulsed Operation of GaN-Based Laser Diodes on a-Face Sapphire Substrate Grown by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Selective Generation of Defects in Polydiacetylene Langmuir-Blodgett Films on Si Substrates as Studied by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Electroplated Reflection Masks for Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Resist Performance in 5 nm Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Reduction Imaging at 4.5 nm with Schwarzschild Optics
- Fabrication of 0.1μm Line-and-Space Patterns using Soft X-Ray Reduction Lithography
- Sub-0.1 μm Resist Patterning in Soft X-Ray (13 nm) Projection Lithography
- Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers from Amphiphilic Diacetylene Derivatives on Indium-Tin Oxide
- Alignment of Surface-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal by the Self-Assembled Monolayers of Amphiphilic Diacetylene Derivatives
- New RAM-bus Memory System with Interchip Optical Interconnection
- Micron-Size Optical Waveguide for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit
- Stimulated Emission by Current Injection from an AlGaN/GaN/GaInN Quantum Well Device
- Direct Patterning of the Currernt Confinement Structure for p-Type Column-III Nitrides by Low-Energy Electron Beam Irradiation Treatment
- Ring-Field Extreme Ultraviolet Exposure System Using Aspherical Mirrors
- Influence of Oxygen upon Radiation Durability of SiN X-Ray Mask Membranes : Lithography Technology
- Influence of Oxygen upon Radiation Durability of SiN X-ray Mask Membranes
- F-K XANES Studies of Alkali Fluorides
- F-K XANES Studies of Alkaline-Earth Fluorides
- Wet-silylation Process for X-ray and EUV Lithographies
- X-Ray Mask Technology Utilizing an Optical Stepper
- Negative Tone Dry Development of Si-Containing Resists by Laser Ablation
- X-Ray Lithography with a Wet-Silylated and Dry-Developed Resist
- Prevention of Resist Pattern Collapse by Flood Exposure during Rinse Process
- New Dry Surface-Imaging Process for X-Ray Lithography
- Simulation of AZ-PN100 Resist Pattern Fluctuation in X-Ray Lithography, Including Synchrotron Beam Polarization
- Freeze-Drying Process to Avoid Resist Pattern Collapse
- X-ray Mask Technology utilizing an Optical Stepper : X-Ray Lithography
- Large Grain Growth in Cu(In, Ga)Se_2 Thin Films with Band Gap of around 1.4 eV by Thermal Crystallization in Saturated Se Vapors
- Preparation of Ordered Vacancy Chalcopyrite Thin Films by RF Sputtering from CuInSe_2 Target with Na_2Se
- Highly Accurate CO_2 Gas Sensor Using a Modulation-Type Pyroelectric Infrared Detector
- Modulation Type Pyroelectric IR Detector
- Relationship between Crosstalk and Readout Magnetic Field Direction on Trilayer Magnetically-Induced Super Resolution Media
- Electrical Conductivity of Low-Temperature-Deposited Al_Ga_N Interlayer
- Piezoelectric Stark-like Ladder in GaN/GaInN/GaN Heterostructures
- Structural Properties of Al_In_xN Ternary Alloys on GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- GaN Based Laser Diode with Focused Ion Beam Etched Mirrors
- Reduction of Etch Pit Density in Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy-Grown GaN on Sapphire by Insertion of a Low-Temperature-Deposited Buffer Layer between High-Temperature-Grown GaN
- Quantum-Confined Stark Effect due to Piezoelectric Fields in GaInN Strained Quantum Wells
- Photon-Stimulated Ion Desorption Measurement of Organosilicon Resist Reactions in Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography
- Roles of Surface Functional Groups on TiN and SiN Substrates in Resist Pattern Deformations
- Investigation of Resist Pattern Deformation in Chemical Amplification Resists on SiN_x Substrates
- Very High-Density Recording on Exchange-Coupled Trilayer Magnetically Induced Super Resolution Media without Special Initializing Magnet
- Imagings of Picosecond-Photoexcited Carriers and Enhanced Auger Recombination Rate by Transient Reflecting Grating Measurements
- Laser-Stimulated Scattering Microscope Study of an Jon-Implanted Silicon Surface
- 0.13 μm Pattern Delineation Using KrF Excimer Laser Light
- Investigation of the Characteristics of a Piezoelectric Chopper for a Modulation-Type Pyroelectric Infrared Detector
- Mechanism of Resist Pattern Collapse during Development Process
- Far-Infrared Optical Properties of Quenched Germanium : IV. Uniaxial Stress Effects on the SA_2 Acceptor
- Far-Infrared Optical Properties of Quenched Germanium III. : Effects of Additional Impurities
- Negative Resist for i-Line Lithography Utilizing Acid Catalyzed Silanol-Condensation Reaction : Resist Material and Process
- Preparation of c-Axis Oriented AlN Thin Films by Low-Temperature Reactive Sputtering
- Orientation Control of AlN Film by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Beam Sputtering
- Resolution Limitation of Proximity X-Ray Lithography Determined by Waveguide Effect
- Evaluation of the Waveguide Effect in Proximity X-Ray Lithography Using an Optical Trace Method
- A New-Structure IR Gas Sensor
- Modulation Type Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Using LiTaO_3 Single Crystal : P: Pyroelectrics
- Internal Quantum Efficiency of Whole-Composition-Range AlGaN Multiquantum Wells
- Negative Resist for i-Line Lithography Utilizing Acid Catalyzed Silanol-Condensation Reaction
- Thermogravimetric and High-Temperature X-Ray Studies on the Orthorhombic-to-Tetragonal Transition of YBa_2Cu_3O_y
- Nonpolar a-Plane AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistors Grown on Freestanding GaN Substrate
- Down to 0.1 μm Pattern Replication in Synchrotron Radiation Lithography
- High T_c Superconductor YBa_2Cu_3O_y : Oxygen Content vs T_c Relation
- The Effects of Secondary Electrons form a Silion Substrate on SR X-Ray Lithography : Lithography Technology
- Fabrication of Nonpolar a-Plane Nitride-Based Solar Cell on r-Plane Sapphire Substrate
- The Effects of Secondary Electrons from a Silion Substrate on SR X-Ray Lithography