Electrooptic Light Beam Deflection with Sr_<0.75>Ba_<0.25>Nb_2O_5 Prism
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An experimental investigation was performed on the electrooptic light beam deflection with a Sr_<0.75>Ba_<0.25>Nb_2O_5 isosceles prism at 6328Å. Although measured deflection angle was large (e.g. 3m rad. for an electric field of 6 kV/cm), deflection characteristic was considerably nonlinear and what is called butterfly hysteresis loop was observedin the ferroelectric phase. Sign and magnitude of the polarization were easily changeable and the coercive field was found to be as low as 1.3 kV/cm at 33℃. The electrooptic effect is dominated by a quadratic term with respect to the polarization. The unclamped value of the quadratic electrooptic g-coefficient g_<33> was determined to be 0.14m^4/C^2. An electrically-induced spot distortion was observed, which was most remarkable at the polarization reversal.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1972-11-05
Tada Kunio
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Aoki Masaharu
Department Of Electric Engineering Science University Of Tokyo
Awazu Kenzo
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Awazu Kenzo
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
Murai Toru
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Muto Katsutoshi
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Muto Katsutoshi
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Ltd.
Aoki Masaharu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Tada Kunio
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
TADA Kunio
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,University of Tokyo
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