- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the parallel computer is to attain high throughput by using many low performance processor elements. Although many parallel computers have been developed to date, the methodology of programming the parallel computer to perform the efficient parallel computation by fully utilizing the power of all component processing elements is yet to be established. It depends on the nature of the problem to solve as well as the architecture of the parallel computer. In Tokushima University we have been studying the feasibility of the binary-tree parallel computer and built a prototype binary-tree computer composed of fifteen 8-bit microprocessors in 1983 as a testbed for developing and verifying the fundamental parallel processing algorithms. As we have convinced from this experience that the binary-tree architecture fits many types of problems, we recently built a real scale binary-tree computer Coral 68 K composed of sixty three 16-bit microprocessors to apply to realistic problems. In this article the general issues of the parallel computer are first reviewed, and then the properties and the programming method of the binary-tree computer based on Coral 68 K are discussed. The problems which the future highly parallel computers will encounter are also discussed.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 1988-09-15
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