斜方晶系単結晶の熱応力解析 : BAO単結晶を例として(<論文特集>計算固体力学におけるイノベーション)
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A three-dimensional finite element computer program was developed to deal with the thermal stress analysis of orthorhombic single crystals during crystal growth process. Orthorhombic single crystals have crystal anisotropy in the elastic constants and thermal expansion coefficients, so three-dimensional analysis is required for the calculation of the thermal stress, even though the grown crystal has an axisymmetric shape. A tensor transformation technique was used to obtain the components of the elastic constant matrix and the thermal strain or thermal expansion coefficient vector corresponding to an arbitrary growth direction. Using this computer program, we performed the thermal stress analysis of an Alexandrite (BeAl_2O_4 : Cr) bulk single crystal for various growth directions. The effect of crystal anisotropy on the thermal stress was discussed.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 2001-12-15
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- 斜方晶系単結晶の熱応力解析 : BAO単結晶を例として(計算固体力学におけるイノベーション)
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