GeoFEM : 並列有限要素法固体地球シミュレータ : TigerからSnakeへ(<小特集>地球シミュレータ : そのハードウェアとソフトウェア)
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The Earth Simulator Project is proceeding towards its final stage of FY2001. Assuming 40 TFLOPS (peak) hardware, simulation software for tackling global environmental issues is also being developed. GeoFEM is one of the simulation software among them, and is a parallel finite element analysis system aiming at solving solid earth problems. Development phase of GeoFEM is composed of 'Tiger' as the multi-purpose parallel FE code and 'Snake' as the solid earth simulator. In this article, recent developments of GeoFEM 'from Tiger to Snake' are described. In particular, parallel equation solvers, solid earth simulations and final goal of GeoFEM are detailed.
- 2001-09-15
論文 | ランダム
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