F312 最終氷期後の海面上昇に伴う大阪湾の潮流変化と地形発達との関係
- 論文の詳細を見る
A numerical experiment was carried out to investigate the sensibility of the tidal current field in the Osaka Bay to its basin geometry development occurred during the postglacial period, which was accompanied by a rapid sea-level rise. Location of Akashi and Tomogashima straits seems to be a primary cause for developing the significant difference of the tidal current amplitude between the eastern and the western side of the bay. It is found that sedimentation at the eastern side and erosion at the western side of the bay, which is intimately related to the tidal current strength, may augment the east-west difference of the tidal current field. As a result, depositive/erosive nature of the landform may be enhanced. This result suggests the existence of a tidal current-landform system in the Osaka Bay.
- 2000-07-25
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- F312 最終氷期後の海面上昇に伴う大阪湾の潮流変化と地形発達との関係
- はじめに
- 衛星画像で見る瀬戸内海の海水交換と海況変動 : 漁業への影響
- 地中海流出水に現れる渦Meddyの南進機構