A131 オルガンパイプにおけるフルー出口の形状が空気ジェットの流速分布に与える影響について
- 論文の詳細を見る
In air-reed instruments such as the pipe organ and recorder, the velocity profile of jet flow determines the tonal timbre. This velocity profile depends on the flue channel and exit geometries through which the flow passes and blows out as the jet. However, curiously enough there are few intensive experiments about this correlation between velocity profile and flue geometry. We then made an organ pipe which can be driven by the following replaceable flue channels : (1) a flue which has a long channel between parallel walls and a flat exit (without any chamfer), (2) a flue which has a hole-type very short channel and a flat exit, and (3) a flue which has a long channel and a chamfered exit, The corresponding flow velocity profiles were measured near the flue exit by using a hot-wire anemometer concerning three flues above. The comparison of the measured profiles with the Bickley profile for the laminar jet was done to evaluate the quantitative relation between the jet thickness and the height of flue exit.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
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- トピックス21 ヘルムホルツの功罪(〈特集〉-音響学における20世紀の成果と21世紀に残された課題-)