構造物の地震応答問題における不確定変動量の取扱いに関する研究 : 第1報 不確定変動量からなる構造物の地震応答理論
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Vibrational properties of structures subjected to earthquake ground motions have been investigated by utilizing the concept of random vibration. The theory of random vibration for dynamic responses of structures is based on the stochastic point of view that earthquake ground motions can not be essentially predicted as deterministic phenomena and that vibrational behavior of structures during earthquakes must be grasped stochastically. The non-deterministic phenomena of earthquake ground motions are going to be treated essentially by the application of the theory of random vibration to the earthquake engineering. However, it is also true that a structure cannot be handled as a deterministic system, because the variables on dynamic properties of an actual structure, such as the masses, spring constants and damping constants, can not been evaluated deterministically when the structure is designed. Hence, a structure must be designed by considering the non-deterministic properties of the structure as well as those of earthquake ground motions. In this thesis, a theoretical treatment of earthquake response problems of a structure with non-determistic variable has been discussed and a reasonable idea to design a structure with safety has been suggested.
- 1976-02-28
論文 | ランダム
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