高層建物の地震波による応答解析 (I) : デジタル計算機による解析ならびに解析例
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This report shows the response analysis for multi story buildings during an earthquake mortion by means of a digital computer. When we calculate the structural response by using a digital computer, the error of solution in non-linear system consists in the method of judgement as to elastic and plastic traformation, time interval and the calculation analysis method. And so the detail of calculating process and programing method is expressed. In the next place, some examples of analysis and these considerations for results of structural response are shown, that is, (1) In case of analysis as the equivalent multi story system more reduced than the original system in degree of freedom, we are not able to discuss the vibrational problems quantitatively as far as we do not check strictly the method of equivalent reduction. (2) The structural response is affected by the spring constant ratio in the elastic range and in the plastic range, and by damping factor. Then the restoring force characteristics of the bi-linear type is more favorable than one of the perfect type in seismic design. (3) The considerable difference of the yield shearing force coefficient among the upper and lower story makes increase the relative descrepancy of the ductility factor. From this result, the distribution of the yield shearing force coefficient should be taken to be smooth.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1965-02-28
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