水平力を受ける H 形鋼柱の弾塑性曲げ捩れ座屈に関する実験的研究
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The lateral-torsional buckling tests of H-shaped steel beam-columns subjected to axial force and horizontal load, are performed in the form of L-shaped frame consisting of an H-shaped column and a box beam to investigate the maximum strength and the deformation behavior. The effects of the axial force ratio, the slenderness ratio and the beam-to-column relative stiffness ratio on the lateral-torsional buckling load and the in-plane load-displacement relation are discussed by comparing the test results with the theoretical results. Summarizing the results of parametric tests, the following conclusions are derived; (1) The maximum strength of a beam-column obtained in the test is generally higher than the theoretical lateral-torsional buckling strength. Detailed investigation on this point is yet needed together with the post-buckling analysis. The effect of the lateral-torsional buckling clearly apperars in the grave strength reduction after the maximum strength is attained. (2) As to the beam-columns with the slenderness ratio larger than or equal to 120, the sudden decrease in the strength takes place right after the maximum strength is attained, and the rotation capacity scarcely expected in these beam-columns. (3) The decrease in the value of the beam to-column relative stiffness ratio reduces the rotation capacity in the range of relatively small slenderness ratio, because of the combined effect of the in-plane P・△ moment and lateral-torsional buckling deformation.
- 1984-10-30
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