日蓮の教義・行儀と伽藍観 : 初期日蓮教団寺院における伽藍と建築 (その 1)
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This study intended to make clear systematically on the Buddhist temple and architecture of initial temple of the Nichiren sect. In this paper, the outlook of the Buddhist temple considered to intended by Nichiren was elucidated by Nichiren's wrightings and epistles from the view point of direction of religious life included both faces of the doctrine and behavior. Clarified items were arranged as follows. 1. The "Moji-Mandala" as the principal image, which was proposed by Nichiren had became a foundation of disposition of the Buddhist temple. This "Moji-Mandala" has following features. (a) The "Moji-Mandala" is externalization of the ritual place shown in the chapter of "Hoto" in the Lotus Sutra, which was preached by Shakyamuni. (b) The "Moji-Mandala" has the composition that many pairs of Buddhas, Buddhist saints, Gods and others are arranged oppositely, sitting the Lotus Sutra at center as the subject. (c) The solid disposition of the "Moji-Mandala" are decided as that, sitting the Lotus Sutra at center, the right side is upper seat and the left side is lower seat. 2. Nichiren regarded the ordination platform of "Shakumon" in "Hiei-san Enryaku-ji temple", and he had an idea to built the ordination platform of "Honmon" vis-a-vis to this. But he did not given suggestion to it's form. After death of Nichiren, the ordination platform was succeeded to Nikko, Nichiro and other disciples as the doxy of the tangible ordination platform. 3. Nichiren attached importance to the heavenly Gods (Sun, Moon, Venus and others), "Jurasetsu-nyo" of Buddhism and Japanese peculiar two Gods of the Grand Shrine to the Sun-Goddes and Hachiman Shrine, as guardian deities. After death of Nichiren, the hall were built to deify these guardian deity. And these guardian deity were transformed to the God, which subsumed immesurable Gods, cmbined with belief to "Sanjuban-jin" by Nichizo. 4. Nichiren built "Daibo" on the "Minobu-san" as the place of behavior and which was equally called "Hokke-do".
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1984-09-30
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