住宅保証制度の研究 : その 1 フランスの旧制度
- 論文の詳細を見る
The final goal of this study is to make a comparative investigation into the new home warranty systems in the world. The nations that execute at present the home warrnty system are as follows; France, UK, USA, Holland, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Japan. The aim of this paper is to investigate the old French system that is reformed by the law on the 4th January 1978. The main results obtained are as follows; In the old system, 1. the warranty is subject to the enforcement clause of the civil code, 2. the warranty is borne by architect, constructors, vendor of building and/or developer who have a lagal relation on a contract between the owner of building, 3. the duration of the warranty is 10 years for the structural damage and 2 years for the other defects, 4. the aim of warranty is to physically remedy defects of building, 5. the interest of warranty can be transferered to the successive possessor of building, 6. the quality of building is controled in accordance with NF, DTU and Avis Technigues, 7. the inspection by private organizations is necessary for the insurance, 8. the constructors are qualified by the semi-public organization named OPQCB, 9. the insurance is obligatory to the architect only, 10. the instrance covers generally all liability risks in construction of building. The main problems to which the reformation of the legal system to give a solution, are as follows; 1. Too long time for remedy; all disputes are put on trial and it took more than 8 years to settle them. The insurance did not operate before the settlement of the dispute. 2. Inefficiency of insurance; the insurance cost increased rapidly on accout of infration and propagation of damage during the legal process. 3. Irrationality of distinction of building elements between ten years warranty and two years one; the distinction is based on easiness of detachment of building elements. 4. Increase of defects; the inspection system did not function so effeciently that the failure ratio increased 15% par year.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1984-01-30
- 編集後記にかえて
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- ワークショップ1 住宅に関する情報提供と保証・保険制度について--表示・保証・保険の可能性と限界を考える (第7回〔1999年度都市住宅学会〕学術講演会報告(2))
- 展望 住宅調査 (建築年報1978年)
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