小規模小学校の計画的因子について : 北海道における小規模小学校について
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This report deals with the analysis of the correlation matrix by the method of factor analysis. The matrix consists of 15 variates that are related to building planning of rural public elementary schools in Hokkaido. The size of each variate is 130 and the picked out variates are as follows : (1) Households; (2) Population; (3) Average distance from the school to a grocery shop, a clinic, a hospital, a public hall, a cinema, a police box, a bus stop and a railway station(km); (4) Enrolment; (5) Classes; (6) Teachers; (7) Outdoor playing space (in Tsubo); (8) Number of years since building; (9) Attendance area (km^2); (10) Outdoor playing facilities; (11) Classroom; (12) Main teaching facilities; (13) Social club activities; (14) Use of broadcast and television instruction; (15) Use of the classroom by the inhabitants, in each school and its district. A four factor pattern is derived from this matrix, and the first factor is found to contribute about 40.2% of the variance and the second about 9.5%, the third about 8.7%, the fourth about 8.5%, making about 66.9% for the four, and the final factor solution is obtained by the varimax rotation. The first of these factors is named "fundamental factor". the second is "the regional difference factor", the third "the facilities factor", and the fourth "environmental factor", respectively. Finally, the factor scores for individual schools are calculated.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
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