飽和砂の振動時性状 (第二報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this laboratory test, attempt war made to determined the development period patterns of excess pore water pressure during vibration test of loose saturated sand, using strain gauge type pressuremeter and oscillo-graph automatic recorder, and success was attained catching this momentary change. For the purpose of observing the time of development of excess pore water pressure, microscopicaly fine grain content was determined, sand grain was subjected to permability test, and then inspected with a microscope. In this paper illustration of results of the experiment are given, analysis will be presented in the next paper. (Former report Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan. No.114, 1965 Aug.)
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1967-05-30
- 討論
- 2079 飽和弛砂の振動による圧蜜の理論的考察(その2)(構造)
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- 飽和砂の振動時性状 (第二報)
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