線図形と言語表現との関係についての一考察 : 使用語彙と伝達の優劣
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Although it is three dimensional objects called buildings or environments that architects and architectural engineers make, on processes of design and production they communicate each other and make various calculation by using language, drawings and pictures. Computers can easily deal with numbers, words and texts of language, but can not easily do with drawings and pictures. What relation exists between drawings and language? If pictures and three dimensional objects are described easily and precisely by language, computers that use many commands would be efficient in CAD; Computer Aided Design. From this point of view, it was experimented how people transmit drawings by verbal expression, and relation between the expression and proficiency of the transmission has been considered. This is a first paper of the experiment and here the followings will be made known; firstly fundamental glossaries for description of drawings have been collected; secondly any fast and good transmission method has not been found out; thirdly on the other hand side in the case of bad pictures made by the receivers, there is absolute failure in the process.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1981-09-30
- 建築に関する概念のコンピュータによる表現とその利用 : 建築計画
- 線図形と言語表現との関係についての一考察 : 使用語彙と伝達の優劣
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