身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 6) : 一般住宅の概要及び住み方の特徴 1. 民借の場合
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This report is to find how to plan when the households with the handicapped build their owned houses and improvement their owned or private rented houses. Two consideration methods are required in order to approach to that theme. The first consideration is to recognize what specific features and housing needs on the housing life have various kinds of households. The second is to recognize what plan of houses have merits and demerits to the households with the handicapped. This is the study about private rented houses on the former standpoint. Main results of this research are as follows : 1. Main dwellers are consited of the newclear family households that their husband is handicapped. 2. Most of the handicapped are able to transfer by walking and driving wheel chair, and few are <H> and <B> lying down. 3. The working handicapped in their rented houses account for so high percentage. 4. Most of the rented houses consist of the small plan, composed two sleepable room, and 〓K〓 type. 5. The tendency is showed that the handicapped make efforts to perform their part in household. It is remarkable that many handicapped husbands are working in their houses, and then have a room to themselves for working. As the result, the concentrate and confusion of their main housing life behaviors are caused. 6. It is so difficult for the handicapped to have their private sleeping rooms. Though the handicapped children need their private room especially, they are not able to occupy private children's room. 7. Though one room dwelling is suited to small and simple household, a marked tendency to ovelapp main house living activities in one room is seen about any household.
- 1977-04-30
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 5) : 特目住宅の場合 2, 住要求と充足方法
- 524 精薄幼見通園施設の平面計画に関する研究 : その2 使われ方からみた発達段階別の指導室の検討(建築計画)
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- 403 生活歴からみた老人の住空間に関する研究 : 施設立地における地域との関係 その2(建築計画)
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 10) : 改造・工夫, ケーススタディ, 対策及び設計・改造指針
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 8) : 住空間構成の適合性 1. 食事及び団らんスペース
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 6) : 一般住宅の概要及び住み方の特徴 1. 民借の場合
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 3) : 研究方法と住空間構成の課題-II
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究・その 4 : 特目住宅の場合 1. 住み方の特徴
- 身障者の住生活空間に関する研究 (その 9) : 住空間構成の適合性 2. 就寝及び就労スペース