民間貸家更新論 (その 3) : 戦前建設貸家の経営過程に関する研究
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This paper is an analysis of management process of rented-houses builted before World War II. What differences are there between management of tenement houses builted after the War and the rented houses before the War. What process is it to make consciousness of the managers who have rented-houses before the War. These are problems in this paper. It concluded that... (1) Before the War, it is possible that the economical management coexisted with the experiencial management. (2) Management of the rented-houses builted before the War had falled into "Kuitsubushi-Gata" and conciousness of managers are going near one of small landowner-ship.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1976-03-30
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