組み合わせ応力を受けるコンクリート材の動力学的解析 (その 2-2) : 曲げ, せん断, 軸力の組み合わせ応力を受ける鉄筋コンクリート柱の, せん断強度に関する統計・推計学的研究
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The authors reported about the populations on the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams in the previous paper, in which 979 experimental values were studied stocastically with simple regression analysis. It is continued to this paper from the previous that we have had the populations of the strength in shear of reinforced concrete columns with maltiple regression analysis. There are got 417 experimental data and they are classfied in different loading systems, the simple beam type is 197 data, Dr. Ohno's restrained beam type is 104, the other types-cantilever type, Dr. Wakabayashi's, etc. is 113 data. But the analysis is done to the first and the second type, from a point of view of being ready for calculating with accuracy enough to make-clear the shear strength variations. The result of this analysis is discrived in the following articles. (i) The obtained equations have a significance, both of the Dr. Ohno's and simple beam loading type. (ii) It is fined that there is the difference of the shear strength population between two loading type, when M/QD is equel. (iii) When the effects of the variety factors for the shear strength are arranged largerly, they are placed in order of M/QD, F_c, P_t, or N/BD, and P_w. And effect of P_w is not very much for the shear strength. (iv) Compressive strength of plain concrete has a effect for the shear strength in nearly direct proportion from 150kg/cm^2, to F_c=350kg/cm^2.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
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