- 論文の詳細を見る
Contrarotating propellers (CRP) became one of the most hopeful propulsion systems from a energy saving point of view owing to the development of reliable shafting systems. The efficiency of CRP in open water is superior to a conventional propeller. However, it is very important to investigate other properties such as propulsive efficiency, cavitation characteristics and propeller induced pressure fluctuations. Although several experimental studies concerned with these items were conducted in these twenty years, there was a lack of hydrodynamic considerations in this area. The author intends to describe the essential differences between CRP and conventional propellers on the basis of previous studies which were pursued by the author et al.. As a result of experimental and theoretical studies on contrarotating propellers, advantages of contrarotating propellers over a conventional propeller in propulsive efficiency, propeller cavitation and pressure fluctuations are revealed.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
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- 1.プロペラ性能の原理と設計(推進器)
- サ-フェイスフォ-スの実船計測例とその簡易推定式
- 波形造波抵抗の尺度影響に関するITTC共同実験結果の考察(推進性能部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 翼後縁形状とカルマン渦に関する実験的研究
- 急速停止時および後進時におけるトルク変動の実態調査
- 6 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Propellers in Steady Flow Using a Surface Panel Method
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- 2005A-G2-8 新型断面を用いた小型高効率プロペラの開発(一般講演(G2))
- 6 ポッド推進システム船の操縦性(操縦性)
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