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In order to investigate ship structural response in ocean waves, various wave loads (hydropressure, inertia force, vertical bending moment, etc.) should be taken into considera-tion, including effect of phase differences between themselves. Recently, the above-mentioned is considered as one of the most important theme in newly developed method of ship structure design, what is called ADDA ; Advanced Design by Analysis. In this background, the authors have been studying some approaches to evaluation of structural response for complex loads by using "Entire-ship Integrated Load-stress Analysis (EILA for short)", and the following reports have been issued. 1st report ; (a) Confirmation of accuracy of estimation method on wave load (Focusing on phase differences between wave load components). (b) Development of "DIScreate Analysis Method (DISAM for short)". (c) Investigation on structural response of double bottom for midship part in head sea. 2 nd report ; (a) Evaluation of fore/aft part structural strength considering differences of section shape between fore/aft part and midship part. (b) Investigation of correlation (simultaneity) between stress in different directions (x-axial stress, y-axial stress and shear stress). As the continuation, this report (3 rd report) deals with evaluation of structural response in bow sea and effects of wave direction for structural response, and the following results are obtained. (l) Stress fluctuation on bottom plate has the following tendency. (a) Transverse stress of bottom shell plate in double bottom is subject to port-starboard symmetric load, and stress by asymmetric load is very small. (b) In case of longitudinal stress acting on bottom plate at side part of double bottom, symmetric component and asymmetric component are nearly the same level for each other. But total stress is lower than simple sum because of phase difference. (2) It is reasonable for design condition to be dicided in head sea, which is most severe in all heading with consideration of combination of various wave load components. (3) Correlation between stresses in different directions has the following tendency. (a) For double bottom (bottom plate, inner bottom plate), longitudinal and transverse stresses have almost the same phase ; therefore, the maximum values of them arise at almost the same time. For inner bottom of side part, however, the two components have significant phase difference. (b) For response of cross deck, simultanerty between axial stress and shear stress is low at fore part and high at aft part.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
橋本 州史
三菱重工業(株) 長崎造船所
井上 俊司
川村 昭宣
川村 昭宣
倉本 美男
井上 俊司
三菱重工業 長崎造船所
倉本 美男
Inoue Shunji
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
井上 俊司
川村 昭宣
三菱重工業 (株) 長崎造船所
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