- 論文の詳細を見る
On the marine reduction gear for main propulsion system, vibrational forces are caused both by the tooth stiffness variation depending on the meshing phase and by the manufacturing errors of the tooth shape, as the sources of excitation of the gear shafting system and its casing. Thus generated vibration propagates mostly as structure-borne sound through the gear casing bed to the hull structure and finally as underwater sound radiated from the surface of hull structure. Recently reduction of underwater noise is an important problem especially on warships. On the reduction gear as one of the prime noise-sources, it is requested to clear the mechanism of generation of the exciting forces of the meshing gears and the transmitting characteristics of the gear casing. This study deals with estimating the response level of a helical gear system considering the gear particulars, the manufacturing errors of the tooth shape and the vibrational characteristics of the gear shafting and its casing. On a single stage reduction gear unit, the exciting forces are analytically derived, while the response of the whole system is solved by means of Building Block Approach and compared with the experiments on a back-to-back gear test apparatus, resulting in the following conclusions : (1) The average level and the fundamental component level of the exciting force of meshing gears can be estimated in moderate accuracy. The responses of gear and its casing to the above exciting forces can also be approximated. (2) A guide for reducing noise of meshing gears has been obtained.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
織田 光秋
織田 光秋
古池 治孝
杉本 昌文
吉原 英彦
杉本 昌文
吉原 英彦
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