平面応力延性亀裂の進展時の亀裂先端開口角 : CTOA について
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Recently, Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOA) was proposed by C. F. Shih et al to describe the instability criterion of ductile crack propagation during plane strain (flat crack) conditions, and was derived by J. R. Rice analytically by means of the slip line field theory and the incremental theory of plasticity. CTOA appears to be applicable in (some or most) cases, but does not accurately describe the plane stress growing crack (slant crack). Unstable ductile crack propagation of the plane stress crack is widely studied for the safe design of highly pressurized gas pipelines. The impact absorption energy of the Charpy test is well correlated to the fracture arresting properties of the structures, but the mechanics of the fracture are not yet well established. In this paper. CTOA of the plane stress growing: crack is derived from the plane stress plasticity of perfectly plastic materials by Sokolovsky's approach. Our proposed modification of CTOA expressed as follows : CTOA = (α/σ_0) (dJ/dl) +β(σ_0/E)ln(eR/r) where,=1.40 under the plane stress conditions. CTOA in the Dugdale model is also defined and compared with the results of laboratory test. The results show that =0.5, and =1.27 for plane stress crack growth. These analyses give similar results to those obtained by Rice et al for CTOA under plane strain conditions, that is, =0.65 from the experimental results and =5.08 from the slip line theory. The CTOA obtained for plane stress ductile crack growth is applied to the wide plate tensile crack growth test. The results of the present analysis coincide well with those of the plane stress finite element method (FEM) computed by T. Kanazawa et al. The phenomena of plane stress ductile crack propagation are also explained by the CTOA criterion under plane stress conditions.
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