Characteristics of Stern Waves Generated by Ships of Simple Hull Form : Second Report
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Characteristics of nonlinear stern waves generated by simple 3-D hull forms are studied. They are under the influence of bow waves and local flow due to the 3-D configuration of sterns and consequently their formation and magnitude depend on the particular dimensions of the hull forms. The generation of nonlinear stern waves can be controlled by attenuating the slope of wave profile or suppressing the upward oriented flow at the stern. Both modification of waterlines and attaching stern-end-fins are effective for the weakening of nonlinear stern waves.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
宮田 秀明
宮田 秀明
The University of Tokyo
土井 康明
Hiroshima University
竹内 進
Graduate School The University Of Tokyo
梶谷 尚
The University of Tokyo
洪 性完
Inha University
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