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The load-carrying fillet welded cruciform joint may fail by fatigue from cracks generating from the fillet weld toe or from the weld root. Gurney showed that in the case of cruciform joints the critical weld size can be derived theoretically, with the aid of fracture mechanics methods, from test results obtained by Ouchida et al. for specimens failing in each of two ways, i. e. from the weld toe or from the weld root. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of critical weld size of cruciform joint specimens on the fatigue crack initiation life and the failure life at the weld toe and the weld root, respectively. As a result of this study, the following conclusion is obtained : (1) In the cruciform joint specimens with no penetration under the condition of critical weld size, the weld failure occurs from the weld root at higher stress ranges under pulsating tension loading, the plate failure from the weld toe at lower stress ranges and the mixed failure at the intermediate stress ranges. Accordingly, the mode of fatigue failure is not fixed only with the ratio of the weld size to plate thickness of cruciform joint specimens. (2) The endurance to weld failure is dependent on the characteristics of fatigue crack growth in weld metal, because the lack of penetration in a state of metal touch behaves like a crack. (3) Since a root gap with the O.7mm-width has no effect on the fatigue strength of cruciform joint specimens, it needs not to make a metal touch in the lack of penetration.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
岩田 光正
永井 欣一
Hiroshima Denki Institute Of Technology
永井 欣一
岩田 光正
康 聖原
新井 誠
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