Resistance Reduction by Stern-End-Bulb (First Report)
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A new kind of bulb called stern-end-bulb is developed, which is equipped at the after end of the waterline of ships. Its effectiveness for fine high-speed ships is demonstrated through experiments with three hull forms, wave resistance is reduced by about 20% and power saving of 6% is attained by newly designed stern-end-bulbs. The computer program for wave resistance estimation based on the formulation of Neumann-Kelvin problem is proved to be useful for the design of stern-end-bulb, provided consideration on the existence of free surface shock waves in the near-field of stern is carefully made.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
土屋 好寛
乾 崇夫
Tamagawa University
宮田 秀明
The University of Tokyo
土屋 好寛
足達 宏之
Ship Research Instititute
土屋 好寛
The University of Tokyo
- 双胴水中翼実験船の定常直進航走試験
- Resistance Reduction by Stern-End-Bulb : Third Report
- Free Surface Shock Waves and Methods for Hull Form Improvement : Second Report
- 空気潤滑による模型船の摩擦抵抗低減実験
- (12) 空気潤滑による模型船の摩擦抵抗低減案験 : 平成9年秋季講演論文概要
- Blockage Effectに関する一考察
- Characteristics of Stern Waves Generated by Ships of Simple Hull Form : First Report
- On Evaluation of Wave Resistance Including the Effect of Boundary Layer
- On Methods of the Separation of Resistance Components of Thin Ships
- On the Optimization of the Aft-Part of Fine Hull Forms (Third Report)