- 論文の詳細を見る
A practical method for the prediction of cavitation on a propeller operating in a ship wake and hull surface pressure induced by a cavitating propeller is presented. In this method, the following items are applied : i ) propeller part : the combination of Hanaoka-Koyama's unsteady lifting surface theory and corresponding 2-D wing theory ii) cavitation part : linearized 2-D cavity theory applying the angle of attack and the local cavitation number derived form i ) iii) hull surface pressure part : the application of the method of periodic source in place of cavity volume variation while a propeller blade is turning behind hull, moreover blade loading and blade thickness are included In order to stand the practical use, correction factors on the cavitation part are adopted from 2-D cavitation test and actual ship observations. The predicted results on blade cavitation and hull surface pressure are compared with measured one, and the advantages of the method are discussed.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
湯浅 肇
三井造船 昭島研
湯浅 肇
石井 規夫
石井 規夫
Akishima Laboratory Technical Research & Development Hqs. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding
石井 規夫
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