MAU型プロペラのキャビテーション特性に関する研究(第一報) : 均一流における翼面圧力分布
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In this paper the authors study the improvement method of cavitation characteristics of MAU type propeller. The "two dimensional cavitation bucket chart" which was developed by Gutsche, Nakajima, Ito, etc., is insufficient to predict cavitation of a propeller because it is originally based on two dimensional sections. The authors proposed a new chart, "three dimensional cavitation bucket chart" by using Koyama's lifting surface theory of a propeller and the concept of two-dimensional corresponding section. The theoretical pressure distribution calculated by the above mentioned theory, agrrees with experimental results, measured on a model blade in uniform flow. Calculations in non-uniform flow were also carried out by using Koyama's unsteady lifting surface theory. The results were compared with the three dimensional cavitation bucket chart. It was found out that the unsteady effect was not large and the three dimensional cavitation bucket chart is also useful for the prediction of cavitation of a propeller in ship wake.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
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- MAU型プロペラのキャビテーション特性に関する研究 : 第2報 : 不均一流中における翼面圧力分布
- MAU型プロペラのキャビテーション特性に関する研究(第一報) : 均一流における翼面圧力分布
- MAU型プロペラのキャビテーション特性に関する研究(第一報) : 均一流における翼面圧力分布
- 小面積比プロペラ(MAU4-30,5-35)の系統的単独性能試験
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- 1-7 Open Water Test Series of Modified AU-type Five-Bladed Propeller Models of Area Ratio 0.80(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at societies and Institutions in 1967)
- N・Cプロペラ翼面加工機
- Open Water Test Series with Six-Bladed Propeller Models
- Open water Test Series with Modern Five-Bladed Propeller Models
- キーレスボアープロペラについて