- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a report of experiments on ore pressure using pellet. Some of the conclusions of the semi-static behavior of ore pressur are as follows : (1) There is no evident difference in foundamental soil properties by the kind of pellet. (2) Ore pressure distribution on ore hold is strictly governed by loading method, and some scattering of ore pressure is observed due to complex behavior. (3) Ore pressure on longitudinal bulkhead in an ore carrier is greater than the value of the Coulomb's active earth pressur, and could be estimated rather by the value of the Jaky's rest earth pressure than by the value of the Coulomb's active earth pressure. But, it is not exactly estimated by those conventional theories by reason of the variety of coefficient of earth pressure due to ore hold depth. (4) Ore pressure distribution of increment at rolling on longitudinal bulkhead in an ore carrier is rather uniform than triangle alnogside the depth of bulkhead. (5) Static one pressure on flexible longitudinal bulkhead in an ore carrier varies widely with void ratio of pellet. (6) A structure strength analysis in which the compressive spring is substituted for pellet is useful as an approximate solution. However, it will be necessary that an analysis of pellet taking into consideration dilatancy phenomenon.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
川嵜 哲郎
川崎 哲郎
川崎 哲郎
萩原 孝一
森 正浩
寺本 晋
森 正浩
三菱重工業株式会社 広島研究所
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