- 論文の詳細を見る
It is needful in design of the freeing ports to know discharge coefficients of them. Results of experimental studies now conducted are as follows.1. The fundamental coefficients for full-sized ports (Fig. 1), standing and upright, are shown in Figs. 2〜5.2. The coefficients, when ports, small-sized, are standing and upright, is approximately independent of arrangement of deck houses.3. If ports roll, the coefficient will be somewhat decreased at a high water-head and moderately increased at a low head, so long as the ports are situated on the both sides of a well. Of ports along side passages, this tendency will be feeble.4. Orbital motion of a ship does not affect so much to the coefficient.5. We can use in some allowance the coefficient for an uprightly standing port.6. Continuous ports on the both sides of a well, found on cargo ships etc., will discharge water between the top of the bulwark and the upper edge of the port within one period of rolling. A port along a side passage will show the same capacity, it is has an area required by the "Free-board Rule".7. Deducing the size of port, the coefficient get larger.8. A slant port (Fig. 20), bored in an inclined plane inside a bulwark lest the port-door may open and patter with ship's rolling or by wind, proves some increment even in discharge.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
平野 進
根角 幸明
根角 幸明
根角 幸明
菱田 敏男
富 武満
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