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Many high-speed vessels such as container ships equip anti-rolling tanks to reduce large rolling motion frequently experienced by them However, there exists a divergence of opinion as to the effectiveness of the tank. The cause would be perhaps oriented to the fact that the tank has usually been designed to reduce mainly the synchronous 1arge rolling motion in beam sea condition with zero speed of advance, while the actual ship operates normally in irregular and oblique seas with a speed of advance. In this paper, the rolling responses of a ship with and without an anti-rolling tank are compared for oblique, regular and irregular waves. The tank is a Frahm typed and the response of the water in the tank to the rolling of the ship is obtained by an oscillation test of the tank model. The model tests of the ship are carried out and the results are compared with those obtained by the theoretical computations based on the strip theory. A good agreement between these results is shown, and the degree of the effectiveness of the tank not only in beam sea but also in quartering waves is demonstrated. The spectra of the response in irregular seas obtained by the model tests and the linear supsrposition of the response amplitude operator are compared but the agreement is not sufficient for quartering sea conditions. The lateral accelerations accompanied by the ship motions are considered.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1971-09-30
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