大深度潜水船用電力制御装置の開発 (第2報)
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Deep submergence research vehicle, on which batteries are installed as DC power source, requires inverter systems to drive AC electric motors and to supply AC power to electronic equipments. Oil-filled and pressure compensated transistor inverter, which is suitable to 6,000m class deep submersibles, is just developed, having characteristics of small size, light weight and high efficiency. Principal items of inverter unit manufactured as trial are as follows. ・Rated input voltage 108 VDC ・Output power more than 8 kVA, 3φ ・Rated output voltage more than 80 VAC ・Rated output frequency 120 Hz ・Maximum operating pressure 625 kgf/cm^2 This unit has been tested under the pressure conditions of 0∼938kgf/cm^2 (1.5 times of the pressure of 6,000m depth), and its good performance has been confirmed as reported in this paper.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1984-09-30
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