セミサブ型石油掘削リグの最適設計について : 運動性能, 安定性能, 経済性の観点より
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At the time when the primary semisubmersible platforms were exploited, principal dimensions of a semisubmersible were determined by only fulfilling the requirements given to it, which means no optimization was made. Since 1970s, several attempts have been made to design optimum semisubmersible platform, but they were aimed only at optimizing motion characteristics and cannot be regarded as researches into the actual optimum semisubmersible. This paper presents an optimum designing method which aims not only at optimum motion characteristics but also optimum stability and economic efficiency. This method determines the most economical principal dimensions of a semisubmersible drilling rig which satisfy the requirements for motion performance and stability. The abstract of the method is : (l) Four principal parameters regarding corner column spacing, column length, lower hull breadth and depth, etc. were selected as the parameters optimized. For the given range of these parameters, simulation designs are to be carried out to obtain principal dimensions corresponding to the parameters and satisfying the basic requirements and stability. Motion performance and economic efficiency are to be also calculated in these simulation designs. (2) Motion criteria for the operating condition herein differs from the ones for survival condition, which comply with the actual semisubmersible operations. The former regulates rig's motion at operating and the latter does the air gap and lower hull submergency at survival. (3) The most economical principal dimensions are to be selected from the groupe fulfilling the motion criteria. An example of optimization by adopting this method is also given, through the result of which effect of principal parameters on motion characteristics and economic efficiency was found.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1983-06-30
村上 延夫
杢中 勝
杢中 勝
杢中 勝
岸田 千秋
村上 延夫
岸田 千秋
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