- 論文の詳細を見る
A data processing system for seakeeping tests has been provided in IHI Seakeeping and Maneuvering Tank. The test data are analysed by on-line in real time, and the results are printed out on a printer and plotted on a drum type plotter immediately after the tests The followings are contained in the analysing programs developed for the present system. (1) amplitude and phase analysis for tests in regular waves (2) determing the coefficients of derivatives in equations of motions by vertical and lateral forced oscillation test (3) determing the roll damping coefficients by free rolling test (4) spectrum analysis in irregular waves A method using the leakage effect in Fourier transformation is developed to determine the basic frequency used for analysing reasonably the test data in regular wave which contains irregular high frequency noises. This report introduces the softwares and hardwares assembling the above system.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1980-09-30
- (10)斜波中を航走する肥大船に働く波力について(第3報)
- 斜波中を航走する肥大船に働く波力について(第2報)
- (20)斜波中を航走する肥大船に働く波力について(第2報) : 平成5年春季講演論文概要
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