- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes the optimal weather adjustment using Kalman filter with wave estimator. During ocean going, vessels are always affected by external disturbances such as winds and waves, especially waves strongly affect vessel's yawing motion. From the beginning, vessel's autopilots have the facilities which reduce yawing motion induced by wave as much as possible, and this is called weather adjustment mechanism. There are many types of weather adjustments. Most popular types are simple nonlinear elements, but these types have not performed enough as might be expected. Several studies were done applying Kalman filter as weather adjustment, but wave effects were considered as white noise in system equations. Tanaka et al.proposed Kalman filter with wave estimator, and they called "optimal weather adjustment". The purpose of this paper is to confirm the effectiveness of "optimal weather adjustment" applying to the sea trials. Furthermore we have considered wind effect and proposed a new method to identify the parameters of wave and wind estimators. This optimal weather adjustment shows much more performance to reduce rudder movement than conventional weather adjustment.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2000-03-25
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